• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Donations Update

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
I just wanted to let everyone know how well the fund raiser went, I am mailing a check off today for the current invoice I recently received from our webmaster, John. With that taken care of, there is a substantial amount in the Canoetripping.net checking account for future updates or any issues that might arise.

I would like to address some small problems the site has, but I never know what lies around the corner, so I have to be very cautious with the funds.
In the last 5 weeks we have gained 35 new members (with 3 more waiting to get vetted) I even received donations from some of these folks, so I'm pretty excited about the sites future.

My wife suggested to me that I should stop telling everyone about the canoes I'm buying while asking for donations. She has a point there. I swear it's my own money being spent on these new to me canoes, but I'm pretty sure that didn't really need to be said. She just likes to yank my chain...silly wife.
But anyway, Thanks to everyone who kicked in, we should be good for a long time.
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My wife suggested to me that I should stop telling everyone about the canoes I'm buying while asking for donations. She has a point there. I swear it's my own money being spent on these new to me canoes, but I'm pretty sure that didn't really need to be said. She just likes to yank my chain...silly wife.

I was going to give you a ribbing about that too when I saw you mention extra money in the bank but I see she beat me to it. Never crossed my mind that you were spending our hard earned donation money on your junk yard canoes. But even if you were I wouldn't care as long as the site keeps going. I think everyone here would be more than happy to see the site generate enough money for you to earn a profit from it.

Fiscal irresponsibility never entered my mind.. Why would it when I have met you and some of your bargain basement finds?. Those trips to the transfer station pay off!

Argosy on e bay for $350 with Cooke Custom Sewing spray cover... you must have made a profit on that one!

I expect to see you on the TV show Down East Dickering sometime.
A lot of folks including me appreciate what you do here and hope you keep doing it! Thanks.
(Ralph says hi!)
That's some good news! I should have sent more so you can treat yourself to a beer while on the shoreline! Thanks so much staying with it.
I have been remiss. I did not make a donation. Is there a way to do it now Robin?

EDIT - Found it - donation sent.
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Robin - Thanks so much for all you've done and continue to do to keep this site up and running. A donation is a small price to pay for all we receive from this site. Never hesitate to share with us what you need to keep this going. As you can see, many of us truly appreciate having this site to read and peruse each day.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...Be well.
