• Grandad Dan McGrady loses Scottish Flyweight Boxing Title Match to Tancy Lee (1914) 🥊

Dog Stories

Dogs only have one weakness, they don't live long enough. It is one of the reasons I have three. Losing one is terrible but predictable.
We are never ready for it. I like to be there when they pass. Losing horses is even worse.

Since the start of Covid I have lost 17 people. The grief was overwhelming at times.
I have a buddy with Redbone Coon hounds and I've seen them run and swim the entire length of the Allagash. They're incredible. I don't know how its possible, but they just never stop. They're noisy as heck though, so you never get to see any moose when they come along, but they do ensure that there's not any food leftover.

Here's a picture of one during a spring trip on the Machias. The water was still quite cold, so she generally hitched a ride on top of the padded cooler seats.
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I’ve had Redbone Hounds before. Great dogs-I miss mine. Thx for the story and photo!
You are correct, if you are not dog people, you just do not understand what it is like when the family dog is put down. Having lived through this, my sincere condolences. Losing such a special dog can be particularly devastating. Brownie looked like a tremendous canoe dog.
