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Does this drive anyone else nuts?

Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
Orangevale, CA
I meet someone new at a party or through mine or my wife's work or a new neighbor or…etc. We get to chatting and, if initial chemistry works, the conversation goes on and at some point turns to what one does in one's spare time. When someone asks me what I like to do, I say canoeing. And then it happens. More often than not the other person replies by saying something like "Me (us) too! I (we) love paddling our kayaks." or “I (we) just bought a canoe at Walmart (or Costco). It is one were you have to sit on top”.
Now I am generally a nice person (so I have been told) but folks, that don’t know the difference between canoeing and kayaking, awaken my inner beast. I can feel my heart rate increase, and my eye teeth start to feel like canines. Do those people know the difference between a truck and car, a dog and a cat, or cow and horse, day and night? Is life just a train they happen to be on?
Perhaps I am too harsh. I have tried alcohol as a coping mechanism, but results have varied ;).
Am I expecting too much?
You gotta lighten up, Dagger! Don’t let their ignorance cause your heart to race. I ‘d rather see them “canoeing” their kayak with a double blade, than see them put in a goonstroke in an actual canoe. Now that drives me nuts, particularly when they claim canoeing expertise.

Thanks for the post. Looking forward to other responses.
Hahahahaha that is the best opportunity for education!!!
mad for the so call goonstroke, it is a way more effective stroke compare to the traditional/Canadian J in white water situation and also way easier on your joints. But that is an other discussion that I’m sure as been debated many times over here and else where!!
Dagger, do you want the long form or the short one? Let's go for the short one.

Hand copies of this simple but effective multiple choice compatibility test out to all your friends, family, neighbours and party people:


What do you use to propel your canoe with?
a) canoe paddle
b) kayak paddle
c) oar
d) hockey stick

After collecting all the responses review them with the nervous applicants, and score them as follows:


If you answered:

a) Congratulations! You may buy me a beer. I keep the spare truck keys above the visor.
b) Not too bad but not quite! You may buy me 2 beer. Keep away from my truck.
c) How did you even get into this family/neighbourhood/party?! Before you leave you may buy me 2 beer.
And keep away from my canoe.
d) Congratulations! You show ingenuity and steely resolve. You may buy me a beer before you drive the oar guy home.
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A few years back, MDB and I went on a combined hiking/paddling trip in the Adirondacks. She wanted a cushy night's stay, so we looked for a place near Lake Placid (yeah, that one, swimming pools, movie stars)
We had my DY Special and her kayak on the roof racks.
As I was discussing rates with the proprietor of a small motel, she (the proprietor) mentioned something about the two kayaks. I explained that my boat was a canoe, a very unique one at that. As we continued a rate negotiation, she again mentioned our two kayaks!! I stopped her in mid sentence, explained that this was twice that she had insulted me, and told her we would seek lodging elsewhere.

While I considered my DY Special to be pretty, it surely ain't no kayak!

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A few years back, MDB and I went on a combined hiking/paddling trip in the Adirondacks. She wanted a cushy night's stay, so we looked for a place near Lake Placid (yeah, that one, swimming pools, movie stars)
We had my DY Special and her kayak on the roof racks.
As I was discussing rates with the proprietor of a small motel, she (the proprietor) mentioned something about the two kayaks. I explained that my boat was a canoe, a very unique one at that. As we continued a rate negotiation, she again mentioned our two kayaks!! I stopped her in mid sentence, explained that this was twice that she had insulted me, and told her we would seek lodging elsewhere.

While I considered my DY Special to be pretty, it surely ain't no kayak!

Pretty boat but it looks like your oar is broken :rolleyes:
While I was in the Army I attended the Army's Northern Warfare Instructors School up in AK. We learned it only took a few hours of practice and you could put a unit in the field on Snowshoes where it would take weeks to put that unit in the field on skis.

I see that difference between Yaks and Canoes. You can dump someone in a yak with a double blade and they will walk away an 'Experienced Yak'er' in a couple of hours all by themselves. A couple of hours on your own in a canoe paddling in circles you end up with a Yak'er.

It takes time and appreciation to paddle a canoe and most people don't want to spend the extra time.
I once had the level of experience with rock crawling jeeps that many here have with canoeing. When someone would ask me an inane question about my competition level jeep, I'd say, "I have no idea, this is my sister's jeep" They'd walk away bewildered. Then I realized I was being an arse.
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On dry land I sometimes ride a unicycle. When a non-unicyclist (i.e., the other 99.9% of the population) sees you out in public on a unicycle they often say something like "Hey, where's your other wheel?". There are many comebacks to this (unicyclists have forums too!), but my favorite one is "You mean the training wheel? I don't need a training wheel anymore."
I could be nice and say kayaks are more intuitive which is why they are easier to learn how to paddle. I find for certain people though, canoes are much more intuitive. Some people take to them immediately. I myself prefer canoes, but have taken to kayaking because that is what the GF paddles and if I want to paddle with her that is the deal.

My niece on the other hand, at 18 years old, can paddle a canoe with the best of them so she has become my bow paddler for my cra cra adventures.

This debate reminds me of the whole pickerel / walleye / dore' thing. Yepp. I said it.

People can paddle whatever...even a friggin sup if they want. As long as they keep paddling.
I meet someone new at a party or through mine or my wife's work or a new neighbor or…etc. We get to chatting and, if initial chemistry works, the conversation goes on and at some point turns to what one does in one's spare time. When someone asks me what I like to do, I say canoeing. And then it happens. More often than not the other person replies by saying something like "Me (us) too! I (we) love paddling our kayaks." or “I (we) just bought a canoe at Walmart (or Costco). It is one were you have to sit on top”.

I’m just happy to meet other paddlers, whatever they sit in or on, or stand on, no matter single or double blade, 4K composite boat or WalMart rec kayak. Everyone got started with something, and if they are out in a self-propelled craft they are potential allies in the fight for clean water, decent access and other issues of concern to paddlers.

The only awkward instance I recall was at a party, one friend who was there is an accomplished paddler – canoe tripper and open water sea kayaker. One of the other guys overheard kayak and jumped in “I have a kayak! My neighbor gave it to me! It’s a red Sun Dolphin! I have a double sided paddle, its aluminum and unbreakable! I wanna get out on the Bay!” Etc!, etc!, etc! all things kayak. His enthusiasm was overwhelmed only by his near total lack of knowledge.

It was painful to listen to my friend try to slow him down and gently steer him towards appropriately novice waters, decent economy paddle, (lack of) floatation, cold water cautions. I stayed the hell outa that conversation.

I will usually chat up any paddler who looks unhurried; at the launch, in rest area with a boat on their car, at the next table in a diner if I overhear paddling conversation. That does drive someone nuts, my longsuffering wife; I can hear her rolling her eyes and thinking “Oh lord, here we go. Or here we don’t go; he’s gonna talk to them for the next 20 minutes”.

I’ve met some nice once-strangers/now brethren that way, including a local grocery store clerk/rec boat paddler, whose aisle I now try to pick. I’ve brought her maps and directions for appropriate waters, and we always spend at least 30 seconds on Where ya been paddling, where ya going next?

One of the best conversations started while sitting in a diner with a friend. We had his modern sea kayak and my converted 1971 Old Town Sockeye on the roof racks. A car with two high end sea kayaks pulled in next to my truck, two guys got out and did the paddler-curious eyeballing of our boats. They came in, took the booth next to us and began looking out the window discussing what that that odd yellow and black kayak was.

They seemed to know a good deal about boats and we eavesdropped on informed debate. The Sockeye has a strikingly distinctive hull shape, more distinctive with my paint scheme and outfitting. I’ve seen a lifetime total of two Sockeyes, and mine has zero make/model identification, except the moniker “Sea Wimp” neatly painted on the bow.

We were ready to leave before they ordered and I stopped to tell them “If you can identify the make or model of that yellow and black kayak I’ll buy you breakfast”.

The four of us were out in the parking lot talking boats and paddling places for the next half hour. They never got close to “Old Town” or “Sockeye”, and I gave them multiple guesses. Nice guys, we swapped some paddling place suggestions.
I’m just happy to meet other paddlers, whatever they sit in or on, or stand on, no matter single or double blade, 4K composite boat or WalMart rec kayak. Everyone got started with something, and if they are out in a self-propelled craft they are potential allies in the fight for clean water, decent access and other issues of concern to paddlers.

Couldn't agree more, Mike.
I was a kayaker for years, and while it is true that even marginal kayaking skills typically propel the craft in the desired direction, kayaking well (straight line, quiet, harmonious, energy conserving, using the correct muscle groups...etc.) is not easy at all. At least it wasn't for me. The reason why I found my way back to my earlier love in life, canoeing, was that I find canoeing yet a tad more challenging to get right (of course I also like taking all my camping crap at once, with room for adult beverages to boot!). The feeling when I to get something tricky, right, just totally makes my day. Even if I got it "right" only for a few moments. Thanks Given day was one of those moments. I had a 2 hour spot of time where dinner was prepared as much as it could at the time, and the bird was going to take a while. Luckily I live only 5 minutes from a small (500 acres) lake, I frequent a lot. Canoeing that day was one of those rare times where everything just clicked. I couldn't have screwed up a paddle stroke if I tried. Nothing hurt, and the miles just came and went so effortless I didn't want it to stop. That doesn't happen for me a lot, but when it does, it gives me great joy. Throw in some solitude, some wildlife and a nice scenery and...well you all know what I mean.
In conclusion, I don't harbor any ill feelings toward any one faction of paddlers. I just think canoeists are the best! ;)

...and unicycleists have mad skills..
I own several of each. I prefer a canoe but enjoy not getting swamped a mile from shore in my kayak. But I know the difference and wouldn't be that guy at the party. Instead I'd talk your ear off until you wished you'd never seen a canoe, a kayak or the horse I rode in on.
I own several of each. I prefer a canoe but enjoy not getting swamped a mile from shore in my kayak. But I know the difference and wouldn't be that guy at the party. Instead I'd talk your ear off until you wished you'd never seen a canoe, a kayak or the horse I rode in on.


I am both light and dark sided. It is what it is.. Teachable moments exist. In the right frame and tone of course. Take those annoying purchasers of entry level boats out paddling!

A place for all paddle craft. Ye who think the kayak is the Devil Incarnate.. come here bring your canoe . Let's go ocean paddling! Unless you have a sea canoe that is you may have a whoopsie experience.

I always love when people want to help load my Rapid FIre.. They have it in their heads that canoes are heavy.. Surprise ! One threw out his back as he threw the boat ( it landed on the grass thankfully)

And there is always a topic of conversation when the Rapid Fire and the Monarch sit side by side.. Both canoes... that always results in puzzlement. One looks like a yak paddled with a single and the other like a canoe paddled with a double!
We usually can make someone heads spin by mentioning sea canoe and pack canoe in addition to kayak and canoe.

I don't think all kayaking is easy! After 30 years I am still perfecting the forward stroke for no yaw. Surfskis are way out of bounds for me!

I am so sorry Odyssey. A king Island Kayak is propelled by a single blade.