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Describe your seasons and climate

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I have been thinking about friends up Erie way and counting my blessings that I do not have to live with the vagaries of lake effect snow. We have members flung far and wide across the US and Canada. What are the seasons and climate like in your area?

Location. Maryland, near the Mason-Dixon Line, equidistant between Baltimore and York PA. We do get all four seasons in distinctive flavors.

Spring seems to come earlier every year, with confused trees and flowers budding out inappropriately early. But spring is typically a decent padding weather hereabouts, a fine time to be out on the water when everything is calling, singing and croaking for, well. . . .


Summer. Comes in like a lamb, leaves like a lion. Can stay a while too, even early October can be sweltering. August and September are often oppressively hot and humid. A degraded hurricane or tropical storm occasionally comes near, but the clear blue skies and abundant water after they pass is a special time in its own right. Expect to sweat in a mid-Atlantic summer.

Fall. Beautiful, especially with the riparian valley hardwoods turning color. Some of my favorite river trips have been on windy days when the leaves were ready to drop at the next breeze, paddling in an absurd blizzard of falling foliage. It does not get any better. November is also historically our rainiest month, so there is a chance to catch smaller creeks up and running.

Winter. That is a different mixed bag, especially hereabouts. Winter can produce 50F sunny Indian Summer Days. Or it can be in the teens or, rarely, the single digits. The tidal waters at least usually stay open, except for prolonged spells of the latter.

It may, rarely, blizzard and snow 3 feet. And sometimes do it again a week later and drop another foot or more. But more often it is a fugly mix, sometimes all within the same week, of snow, near snowmelt temps, then sleet and freezing rain, then some more near melt and refreeze, followed by some other form of frozen pluvial deposit, encasing everything in a crusty icy coating that lasts for weeks.

This area has its own peculiar micro climate. The notorious Hereford Zone:


Living in The Zone has challenges, but the benefits outweigh the demerits. I will grant Maryland this, it an easy 8 hours to the Adirondacks, and 8 hours to the Carolinas, easy excepting the Washington DC exurbs.

What is your seasonal weather like?

And where the hell is Steve in Idaho? I seem to recall that he lives in some clement valley pocket that somehow escapes the worst of Idaho winters.
Well, here in central NH, Concord area, we have a mixed bag. Summer for the last few years has been ungodly hot and muggy, Fall is spectaular with colors in the trees and cool evenings and warm days, great paddling camping weather. Winters vary. Some years we get nailed with snow storm after snow storm to the point where the snow blower barely makes it over the snow banks to freezing rain which makes for some very interesting walking and driving. I've seen rain soaked snow bring down buildings and then we have the wind chills that hurt to the core. Then we have spring with lots of rain, swollen rivers to get on and the infamous mud season. I've been at the Humble Hovel for going on 18 years and in this area since 1980. Wouldn't trade it even though it can get old sometimes.
The inland northwest corner of Connecticut, the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains, the Housatonic River valley. Here, we have the classic, archetypical four seasons of literature, song and poetry.

Now that I've answered the question, I'll say you can take winter, cold weather and snow . . . and shove them.

If circumstances weren't so royally screwed up, or if I had enough money to escape, I'd be in Florida in a New York minute.
Typically, a year has 4 distinct seasons, then there is Manitoba where they tend to overlap or disappear entirely. Winter can begin around Halloween, snow is common then, but typically mid November is the unofficial beginning. As we all know, Winter can be brutally cold, all this week into next day time highs are to be mid -20s C. In the 9 Winters I've been here we have had one where it was in the -30's for 6 weeks straight. Even a 40 minute commute doesn't warm up the interior of the SUV. Spring, well, it Can show up normally, or not at all. Spring is usually quite wet, to the point of a couple hundred thousand acres under water, but we have not seen that since 2011. Summer starts wet but by mid July the heat shows up and doesn't go away. Exceptionally hot but no humidity, dry heat. That is when the mainly clay soil we have starts to shrink and crack. By late August we can have 1-2" wide cracks everywhere, especially around the foundation of the house.
Autumn occasionally shows up in a normal fashion, or Summer carries on til Winter starts. Typically the leaves turn and drop in a few days. It's like dang, slept through Autumn again. Get the snow shovel out. It is also harvest time for Christine. No more late Summer early Autumn canoe trips, she has 2000 sq ft of gardens to harvest before Winter.

Coldest windchill in my time here... -59F, coldest straight temp... -42F. Hottest day in Summer... 104F.
Turtle Pond is app 30mi S. of buffalo. One fairly unique aspect of winter here is that the lake effect snow bands can be narrow (5mi wide) and move around at the slightest change in wind direction. Last year during the record 6'snow south of buffalo, the sun shone here.-keeps things interesting. My brother who worked for NOA, said they sent weathermen to buffalo for punishment. About 2' on the ground and 5deg, but little wind-nice.
my favorite things about our weather is the variety and that it rarely gets hot-which I hate.
I'm in suburban heaven, halfway between Schenectady and Albany, 45 minutes south of the Adirondack Park. (upstate NY)
Winter has been starting later and coming milder in the last few decades. Average 60" of snow per season, occasional week of subzero F temps. Personally, I look forward to the nor'easters, that bring heavy snows...also can bring freezing rain.
Spring is generally wet, and yes, we get black flies too.
Summer is warm and dry, seldom reaching 90F. Usually a week or two of muggy conditions, but not too bad.
Fall is dry with warm days, cool nights, no humidity, great colors. If not for the lack of snow, my favorite season.
BTW, tornadoes are practically unheard of, hurricanes can't reach us, there have been earthquakes, but nothing close by or strong.
I'm in suburban heaven, halfway between Schenectady and Albany, 45 minutes south of the Adirondack Park. (upstate NY)
Winter has been starting later and coming milder in the last few decades. Average 60" of snow per season, occasional week of subzero F temps. Personally, I look forward to the nor'easters, that bring heavy snows...also can bring freezing rain.
Spring is generally wet, and yes, we get black flies too.
Summer is warm and dry, seldom reaching 90F. Usually a week or two of muggy conditions, but not too bad.
Fall is dry with warm days, cool nights, no humidity, great colors. If not for the lack of snow, my favorite season.
BTW, tornadoes are practically unheard of, hurricanes can't reach us, there have been earthquakes, but nothing close by or strong.

I grew up in Clinton, NY outside of Utica so know what kind of weather you're talking about SG. Although I do recall back in the 60's we had a lot of big snow storms, I had to shovel so remember it well. Hung out in the Daks a lot as a kid, Pisco Lake area, hiked the Northville Lake Placid trail and ran rivers all over the place. A nice area!

Turtle Pond is app 30mi S. of buffalo. One fairly unique aspect of winter here is that the lake effect snow bands can be narrow (5mi wide) and move around at the slightest change in wind direction. Last year during the record 6'snow south of buffalo, the sun shone here.-keeps things interesting. My brother who worked for NOA, said they sent weathermen to buffalo for punishment. About 2' on the ground and 5deg, but little wind-nice.

I'm about 7 mi north of Turtle. The snow bands he refers to are so fickle, one of us can be getting pelted and the other will have sunshine. My oldest son lives about a mile south of Turtle (8 mi from me) and it took him about 45 minutes to get home. My younger son lives north (+/- 23 mi) about a mile from Lake Erie. Took them less time to go the longer distance.

Living here (I can see the ski slopes) is a good excuse to have 3 4WD vehicles. Why would anybody want to swap winter for Florida?
Just relocated back to the upper Connecticut River valley. Stick season, mud season, dang leaf peeping tourist season, black fly season, shovel snow season, and August. Probably missing some though. Been a while and I've only been back for a couple of months. Climate is perfect.
Why would anybody want to swap winter for Florida?

(This is my first attempt to post on a web forum with my phone, a ridiculous exercise on a deleterious device. So far like trying to do surgery on a black fly..... 12 minutes so far.)

Grandpa, we'd have to ask the 12 million folks who have moved from the northeast to Florida and the 17 who have moved in the other direction.

22 minutes.... but it's 11 degrees and I'm in a warm dive eating cheap noodles instead of the cathedral of Carnage.

Glenn M.
Winter from mid September to late May... -35C for the last few days and going down and then we have summer or about 4 weeks some where from June to August....
We have the best of both worlds!
Six months in the NC mountains in the summer and six months in the Florida Keys in the winter.
I grew up and worked the first part of my life in Boston, and sloshed and slid to and from work way too many times to ever want to live back in the north again.
As I am typing this at 6:30 Am it is 70 outside, and by this afternoon it will be right around 80. The Atlantic water temperature has been right around 80 also

Jack L