I was just kidding about the viking funeral. Isn't burning a canoe some sort of high crime in Canada? LOL
The scenario is not entirely hypothetical. I have been invited as a solo paddler to accompany a tandem team on such a trip. We are all old, so one of us could die.*
Do you leave the body on the portage trail or lug it to the river edge? Then what do you do. Bury? How? Do you have a shovel on a canoe trip?
For example, you have decided to leave the body, but your tandem partner says, "Nope. I'm not leaving our beloved friend to rot and get accused of murder. I'm going to put the body in the tandem and paddle away. You take the solo canoe. Or, let's put the body in the solo canoe and tow it with the tandem. I insist." What do YOU do?
Let me add some more details for those who want to keep playing along in this serious exercise.
Hypothetically, it is the solo canoeist who died ....t.
.....halfway through a four mile uncleared, bushwack portage in the boreal forest. You are at or above the arctic circle --
Do you leave the body on the portage trail or lug it to the river edge? Then what do you do. Bury? How? Do you have a shovel on a canoe trip?
To add a next step of complexity, after you have made your firm decision either to take the body out or leave it, your tandem partner declares that he or she is firmly of the opposite opinion. For example, you have decided to leave the body, but your tandem partner says, "Nope. I'm not leaving our beloved friend to rot and get accused of murder. I'm going to put the body in the tandem and paddle away. You take the solo canoe. Or, let's put the body in the solo canoe and tow it with the tandem. I insist." What do YOU do?
Properly field dressing the carcass will help with the weight if it is decided to take the body out.
let's make a shroud for Jamie. There's a spare sleeping bag and maybe a tent too. Whatever material is at hand. How about a spare tarp? Is there a tent nobody liked? Let's choose something durable. First check Jamie's pockets! ID. Truck keys. Whatever. And then wrap 'ol Jamie up tight. There must be some paracord or duct tape around to secure this body bundle.
and my prime consideration would be that the survivors make it out alive and safely and, having succeeded at that, be able to identify a marked location to recover the body and begin the investigation.We are all old
I don’t care what they have done or their acclaimed bona fides; beyond their paddling and tripping skill set I need to know how well our styles and personalities mesh. Or don’t mesh. I’ve made that mistake before, and won’t do so again.
I often share a canoe with a person who doesn't mesh well with my style or personality. My wife.