Here we go Mike another item for your next stock-up run.
Sweeper, my butt cheeks are already tingling with anticipation.
We be good here. Always have a couple week pantry full of rice, beans, pasta, cans and assorted dry goods. Oatmeal, instant potatoes, sauces, cornmeal. Stuff in the way back that needs to finally get used. At least two week’s worth, and it’s not like we are “preppers” or other apocalyptic crazies, just the way we have always been.
A couple months ago, well before crap hit the fan, I bought a Mt. House Breakfast Bucket, with an eye towards provisioning spring and summer trips. We probably have a couple dozen unused freeze dried dinners in the blue barrels. Maybe I’ll finally eat another Beef Stew; we got a lot of that least favorite left.
Three weeks ago I could see some of this coming. “We’ll see what happens” and “It’ll go away like magic next month” is no way to prepare for a worldwide pandemic with a “novel” virus, where there is community spread, zero herd immunity across the entire planet, no vaccine for a year+ or no known anti-viral.
Countries need to put a halt to “wet markets” with live civet cats, pangolins, and bats butchered to order all under one messy roof. Plus frogs and turtles and birds any anything else wild-caught.
SARS likely originated from civet cats and bats, MERS was camels (and probably bats), SARS-CoV-2 (or Covid-19) was bats and possibly pangolins. WTF, pangolin scales are gonna keep your dick hard? Just buy some Viagra dammit.
Anyway, weeks ago I bought a larger than usual pack of toilet paper, and a extra half cart of non-perishables to store mice-secured in the blue barrels, well before the hoarding started.
The fully lettuce supply should last. I may yet lay in a couple just in case cases of Yuengling Chesterfield. We never have booze in the house, but maybe an emergency bottle of 151 for desperate times, so I can go out fat, drunk and stupid.
I’m not yet self-isolating any more than usual. The most difficult part for me would be not heading out every two days to pick up newspapers and seeing my usual cashier buddies. This morning when I went to the denuded grocery for Sunday papers I pulled my hoodie down over my head, my shirt up over my nose and menaced the cashier with a gun-finger, muttering “Gimme all yer toilet paper”. She cracked up and the guy behind me in line about lost it. We all needed that.
I may hang on to the full newspaper recycling box for re-read necessity. I need the crinkle-crinkle fold-fold tactile feel of a newspaper. For reading, not for wiping, at least just yet. If the disinteresting Sports section fades to black what the hell are sportswriters going to cover, on-line Chess matches and Poker tournaments?
Not seeing my usual waitress friends at the diner every week or so would be a heartfelt loss. I really worry about those folks, living paycheck to paycheck or working for tips. I may throw caution to the wind and hit the diner this week. Maybe leave a virgin roll of toilet paper anchoring the tip.
my first corona virus joke hit me today. A nephew who is pretty much sports crazy posted "Day two without sports: Found a woman on my couch. She says she's my wife. Seems nice enough."
Ok Lance, I’m not a big sports fan (aside from College football), but that is so danged funny I shared it with the family.