• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣


I'm clueless about pour over. If I wanted three mugs of coffee for myself with that rig, would I need three filters? How long do you need to stand there pouring hot water over the grounds?
Hahahaha I don’t drink three mugs! But yes if you use this rig you need filters every time you want to drink coffee but the new stainless steel filter I have is good for that, you just need to dump the grinds and put fresh one in and your are golden!!
I'm also in the cowboy coffee camp. I'm fine subsisting on GORP, granola bars and freeze dried partially hydrogenated plant lard, but instant coffee is somehow one sacrifice too many.

I'm not that clever with eggshells, centrifuges or other schemes for getting rid of the grounds. I don't mind a few in the mug. Good source of dietary fibre.
Guess I am the heathen here, I use a french press at home, but I have found that the Starbucks Micro grind coffee works for me.

The little packets are convenient, light weight and I only have the small packet to pack out (or burn) ... if I just feel like an extra cup or a mid day beverage, it's just boil water and done.

If you like your coffee "rugged", you might want to try Noah John Rondeau's method. Rondeau was an Adirondack hermit who lived in the Cold River region. The story goes that one day he offered some visitors to his camp a mug of coffee if they were willing to wait for him to make it. Being agreeable, they said it would be a marvelous idea. With that Rondeau went into his cabin, pulled out his coffee pot, filled it with water and put it on the fire. In no time at all steam started leaking out of the lid as the water began to boil. With that Rondeau removed his Bean boot and wool sock, cutting off the toe of his sock, filling it with grounds, sewed it up and tossed it in the pot. When the coffee was done he couldn't understand why folks were no longer interested in his brew. Go figure...

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...

be well.

We have made a lot of cowboy coffee and waiting 5 minutes for the grounds to settle usually leaves the grounds at the bottom of the pot, maybe screen the first pour if you are fussy. Watch carefully as you pour the last cup and stop when the grounds slurry appears. When alone I put coffee and boiling water in a quart thermos and find a nice view to enjoy my morning Joe. I like my coffee hot so this works for me. No issue with grounds until trying to get the last half cup.
I like the Swede's ideas of coarse ground coffee loose in the pot. That is why I mentioned pounding with a rock on some whole beans. The only nuance I would add is adding a small amount of cold water at the end settles the grounds even more. Turkish coffee can be like drinking mud. Some Canadians swing their pot in a great arc to use centrifugal force to settle the grounds. It is very dramatic.

In Seattle, going to forestry school I worked on the commercial fishing fleet with Norwegians. I used to get invited to the Swedish American club,. I have great affection for the Nordic culture and have two Nordic grandmothers.

If I had this discussion with backpackers and there would be 12 pages of discussion about gadgets, exotic beans from Kenya, Jamaica and Hawaii. They grind their own and bring a thermometer. No boiling allowed. It is all a bunch of hooey. There is a very good reason why like talking with canoeists.
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Found these single serving "pour over" coffee packs when I was visiting my daughter in China, since then I got some on Amazon. IMG_20160904_071301338.jpg
Perking a pot in the morning is a ritual for me, something I look forward to. Wife and I will kill 5-6 cups around an early morning campfire. The remainder of the day if we need a hot drink we load our own tea bags with coffee or opt for some tea.
I have an old blue enamel percolator pot. I spark up the white gas coleman until she is burning just nice and then put the pot on while I do other things around camp. Like fish or make breakfast. Yoiu can see and smell the progress as the steam starts to waft out of the spout and soon you hear the pop pop pop soung over the hiss of the stove. Magic...especially on a cold or wet morning.

I take empty peanut butter jars full of Maxwell House ( like Randy Travis I like my beans already ground) and pour it into the basket to the correct height, no real measuring needed. Stronger means longer when you perk coffee. This gives me four cups of black gold. The grounds go in the river, not the firepit or in the bush....bears eh. I might want to use this site again.

If I am feeling uptown I take some of that Baileys creamer with me...or just Baileys works ok too for those who dont mind a kickstart in the morning.
I used to be a coffee snob. The mail order specialty coffee type. It was just a phase. It turns out I actually like instant coffee; Nescafe Classico to be exact. I even drink it at home. Yeah, I am a coffee heathen now.
FWIW, Boiled (but not filtered) coffee apparently raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and slightly lowers HDL (good)

"The way you prepare your cup of joe may influence your cholesterol levels, too. 'The one coffee we know not suitable to be drinking is the boiled coffee,' said Marilyn C. Cornelis, an assistant professor in preventive medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and co-author of the JAMA Internal Medicine study . . . the oil in boiled coffee has cafestol and kahweol, compounds called diterpenes. They are shown to raise LDL, the bad cholesterol, and slightly lower HDL, what’s known as the good kind.

Rob van Dam, a professor at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at National University of Singapore [said] 'For people with cholesterol issues, it’s better to switch to other types of coffee.' He’s been studying coffee for two decades. (And, yes, he’s had a lot of coffee in that time.)

However, other researchers say not to throw out the boiled coffee just yet. The clinical significance of such small increases in cholesterol may be questionable, given that it’s not associated with an increase in cardiovascular deaths.

If there are any instant coffee drinkers out there feeling left out there is an alternative just for them called dalgona coffee. Take equal measures of coffee crystals, sugar and hot water, apply several minutes of electric mixing till the mixture is all whipped up to a creamy pudding consistency, and then add to cold or warm milk for either an iced coffee or latté. Sounds weird and wonderful I suppose but I'm not going to try it. Any kinda coffee requiring an electric hand mixer is a bit out there even for me, although you could manage with manual labour. But you try it at home and get back to us.
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Last summer I participated in the Voyagers Challenge which was for me a 240 mile unsupported race. I did not bring anything to cook with. I need some caffeine some times in the morning to get rid of a small headache. I prepared each morning’s nourishment and packed it is a ziplock bag. It consisted of 1 cup of raisin brand, 1/3 cup Nido, and one tbls instant coffee. My luxury items on the trip were a cup and a spoon. Dump the ziplock in the cup add water and eat with the spoon. Cleanup was deliciously simple.
Bonjour a tous, Good morning all
I have a preference to grind the coffee on site, for the rest I do like everyone else, even without necessarily boiling the water to let it sit.


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