FWIW, Boiled (but not filtered) coffee apparently raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and slightly lowers HDL (good)
"The way you prepare your cup of joe may influence your cholesterol levels, too. 'The one coffee we know not suitable to be drinking is the boiled coffee,' said Marilyn C. Cornelis, an assistant professor in preventive medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and co-author of the JAMA Internal Medicine study . . . the oil in
boiled coffee has cafestol and kahweol, compounds called diterpenes. They are shown to raise LDL, the bad cholesterol, and slightly lower HDL, what’s known as the good kind.
Rob van Dam, a professor at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at National University of Singapore [said] 'For people with cholesterol issues, it’s better to switch to other types of coffee.' He’s been studying coffee for two decades. (And, yes, he’s had a lot of coffee in that time.)
However, other researchers say not to throw out the boiled coffee just yet. The clinical significance of such small increases in cholesterol may be questionable, given that it’s not associated with an increase in cardiovascular deaths.