Heresy here.just scatter ground in the bush. If it works for my garden..
We were PC on Bowron packed it out We had a rolling garbage bag holder
I compost grounds as well, but the home compost pile is a lot different, and sees a lot more attention, than flung in the brush some distance away.
I cannot claim that I have never scattered coffee grounds in the bush. Or dumped them in the ocean, bay or tidal waters. Or to have never raked them into the coals of a hot fire. I’d still usually rather not.
A lot of the places I visit see a heavy load of in-season visitors camping at designated sites. Even on undesignated sites in the desert or other more sterile environs coffee grounds wouldn’t become gardening mulch so much as a lasting dark spatter smear on the pale landscape. If I was really deep in the green bush scattering the grounds would be a different story.
Even when we used the press we didn’t portage long or hard. And I usually bring beer, and so end up with a voluminous trash bag full of crushed empties, and since I already toting a small on-board dumpster felt free to add trash items found along the way. In that guise the damp coffee grounds were not an onerous weight to pack out.
But grounds knocked into a trash bag are just nasty, leaking brown juice and spreading ground everywhere throughout the bag. Hell no, I’m not picking those ground-slimed beer cans out for recycling. Into the Pizza Hut dumpster goes the trash bag enroute home. dang, even greasy pizza and an awful salad bar tastes like heaven.
I probably should have brought a dedicated gallon zip lock to knock the grounds into, but we went to instant Via before that consideration ever occurred to me. And that consideration first occurred about 30 seconds ago and a few years too late.
Hell, if you ran out of coffee you could probably re-brew those old grounds when faced with utter caffeine desperation, like reusing tea bags. Or at least chewy patooie the big grind chunks like a wad of chewing tobacco. Or smoke them.
Glenn, I am disappointed that you missed:
“Fistful of Via packs vs a gallon container of grounds. No contest”.