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Coffee cups, insulated or not.

Jun 3, 2015
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Anchorage Alaska / Pocono Mts.
I started out using an insulated mug with a lid my first few years of tripping. I loved that mug and even took it to work with me. Unfortunately a truck driver at work took it with him on his run and I never saw it again. I replaced it with a 14oz plastic cup with no lid. I have used it for about 25 years and have never missed the old insulated one. I like the fact that I can feel the heat of the coffee through it. It warms my hands and I can hold it to my chest to feel some heat there too. I never liked drinking with a lid on a cup anyway and I drink my coffee pretty quick so I'm not concerned about it getting cold.

It's not a big deal though, in my kit in Pa. I have a covered insulated one. I didn't buy it for tripping, but actually to keep beverages cold at home. Someday when I combine my Ak. gear with my East coast gear I will definately be using the old non insulated one.

What do you other coffee drinkers prefer?
for me it does not matter which cup - the main thing is coffee! Especially in the morning.
important for me is that it is strong, black and hot.
I still have a pair of plastic mugs with sippy lids from years ago. They're uninsulated and I'm very happy with that. Unlike her I dislike scalding drinks and food, so the fact that my coffee or tea cools down and the warmed mug is easy to handle suits me. She suggested we get a new pair of travel mugs for car camping. I don't know, I guess there was a celebration in there I didn't pick up on, but I went out and bought sparkly clean and dandy ones just for that. They're insulated stainless, which means they're hot for a very long time. She loves them, I generally lose interest in whatever's in mine by the time it's cool enough to drink. But if she's happy I'm happy.
I'm a historical tea drinker but I don't think it matters for this question.

I've always used insulated mugs with lids for hot beverages at home, in my vehicles and in the canoe. I also use big mugs—my two favorites being 22 oz. and 34 oz. I sip slowly over hours, not just during or shortly after a meal, so the insulation and lids are very necessary to retain heat.

I've never been a quick tea/coffee drinker except in a restaurant, I've never needed a quick "jolt" in the morning and, in fact, I almost never drink caffeinated beverages anymore. My heart doesn't react well to caffeine, which is scary especially when driving or out alone in the woods.
Yes. I prefer to drink from ceramic, but like to take a hot insulated cup with for aux fuel.
In the office, yeti-style mug. In the car, yeti-style tumbler. At camp, either the mug that comes with the Aeropress Go or the cup that comes in the Stanley Two-cup Cookset.

Bonus tip on the Stanley: If you take a sharp knife or hacksaw blade and slice around the seam near the lip, you will get two nesting cups from the double wall mug. I did this to mine and it frees up quite a bit space while still giving you two 8oz cups.

Speaking of that two-cup cookset, the channel that produced that hack has a whole litany of similar modifications for the humble Stanley set.

Like Glenn I'm a slow tea drinker. I like a 20 oz tumbler mug with a screw on lid. The threads have to be on the inside so you can drink from it without the lid and not feel the threads.

A mug with a tight screw lid can be taken in the canoe or in the backpack, with whatever beverages appropriate for that time of day.

Good tea helps. It's one of my favorite parts of the morning.
I do like the warmth on my hands of an uninsulated cup, but on balance I like an insulated cup with a lid because my coffee drinking is often interrupted by camp/cooking chores and my coffee get cold.
On a trip, I have a 12 oz titanium cup that I use for coffee, tea and sometimes oatmeal. No lid, just two wiry swing out handles.
I can’t stand food or drink that’s scalding hot, as long as there’s no ice in it, it’s warm enough for me.
I do have a few cherished coffee cups at home, every sip from them is a trip back in time…
On cold mornings, I like to wrap my fingers around a hot mug of cocoa. Insulated mugs won’t let me do that.
I do like the warmth on my hands of an uninsulated cup, but on balance I like an insulated cup with a lid because my coffee drinking is often interrupted by camp/cooking chores and my coffee get cold.
Same here - most often use a vacuum insulated stainless steel tumbler or mug. At home though I tend to alternate between insulated tumblers and ceramic mugs which can be zapped in the microwave when the coffee or tea cools too much before I finish sipping.
at home or sitting around camp I like plain mugs, but when moving I like the insulated travel mugs simply because my 2 favourite travelling destinations are 4 and 7 hours away, it sucks when you see your 2nd coffee of the morning running around your bilge, and it really sucks when the shirt you planned on wearing home has a big brown stain on it...
I drink my coffee slowly and like it hot so I use an insulated cup and on easy trips, I sometimes bring a second cup for the morning's paddle
In the car I use HydroFlasks with screw on lids and flaps to cover the hole. Can even put them in my pockets without spilling so long as I'm careful to keep them relatively upright. In camp I use a cheap plastic cup my kid got me. Has a pop off lid attached with a lanyard so the two don't become separated.
I have a single wall 10 oz. titanium cup with a ridged, rim-wrapping wire handle, I like that it is light and comfortable in hand, but my coffee is quick to cool on cold mornings. When it is cold, or when I want to coddle something hot for an extended period, I have a slip-on cozy made from Reflectix. It adds little weight and is an extremely effective insulator. It is my routine to break for a second coffee sometime around 9:30 each morning. My slip-on, slip-off cozy gives me complete control of beverage temperature.

It is the rim-wrapping handle of this cup that makes a cozy possible. I have been told that I have a Rocky Cup, which is no longer manufactured. My Rocky is a very cherished possession and gives me great pleasure whether holding the morning coffee or evening attitude adjuster.
At home - ceramic mug - I drink my coffee fairly quickly. The second cup comes from an insulated French press that keeps it quite hot.
On the road - insulated travel mug with screw-on lid - I tend to take a few sips at a time so the insulated mug helps keep it hot.
On canoe trips - a plastic insulated mug with lid to keep the coffee hot. If it's warm outside I take the lid off. If it's cold I leave the lid on.
At one time MEC sold double wall steel cups for$6 CDN.. I still have about three of those. agg they still have them for $26CDN!
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