I know, the Morris was just another canoe compared to all the trips I have taken with my Pal, starting back in the 80's. This canoe has been so good to me, I had to restore it no matter what the cost.

The Pal had a bulge in the bottom from a major section of new ribs I did myself long ago. It looks like we have gotten it out this time around with a strongback bolted to the inside and outside of the canoe. We reset the old ribs that are staying and installed new ribs next to them and it seems to be helping to remove the bulge. We will know for sure next week.
The great thing about owning a few wood canvas canoes that are used for tripping is that you always have something to do over the winter....no funny rant here about frozen water, spending time getting the canoes ready for the warmer days to come is a pleasant pass time.
Early days with the Pal in LaVerendrye, Quebec
Riviere Noire, Quebec, with my Pal, I ran that set of rapids to the take out just above the falls at Mountain Chute (a 20' falls)
Pleasant River, Downeast Maine.
Woodland Caribou PP, with the Pal