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Canoetripping.net window stickers

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
I had two different Canoetripping.net window stickers made up to tie in with the soon to be announced fund raiser, and they just arrived. I took some pictures of one and I will paste an image of the other. We wanted to use the couple in the canoe in the logo above, but that image didn't work, maybe in the future when Memaquay gets back from a trip.
Here is one of the stickers on my truck cap.

Here is the second sticker,

Nice work, especially putting a woman in the stern. I'll bet I could clean up the banner image to make it usable. Let me know, or just send me the highest resolution version you have of it.
Now when I look at No. 1 , it looks like the guy's in the back and their paddling from left to right, Gavia thinks that the woman is in the stern. Is this like that thing where the glass is half full or half empty and it depends on your outlook?

If we're choosing between 1 & 2, I'll go with one. But if I had my druthers, I'd rather have one of Robins Chestnuts. Just say'n.

Best Wishes, Rob
WOW! Gavia, I'll have to think about that........clearly that's the canoe to have on a portage, but wouldn't it get pushed around in the wind pretty bad?

Now about this 'transcendentally inclined' business: I'm not too sure where the line is drawn between transcendentally inclined and being tipsy and half (or more) bubbles off?
It might be useful when confronted with the flashing lights and the boys in blue: "Drinking Officer? No Sir! I'm just trying to find the proper inclination for my transcendental.

About this sticker thing: Robin, have you given this your best effort? I can imagine a nice color photo of a Chestnut and that cute little French gal you met that time. For somebody like me, no matter how hopeless, it would still be nice to dream about the unobtainable.

Best Wishes, Rob

P.S. I keep getting a "invalid server response please try again", maybe it's like the TV remote, just needs new batteries.
Black and White is less expensive to produce. I see a woman in the stern, so she must be heavier than the bow man? :rolleyes:

If I still had all my silk screen printing equipment I could make 'em up for everyone and they would last longer than printer made decals.
Black and White is less expensive to produce. I see a woman in the stern, so she must be heavier than the bow man? :rolleyes:

If I still had all my silk screen printing equipment I could make 'em up for everyone and they would last longer than printer made decals.

Not necessarily.. Stern seat farther aft. My marathon racing friends who race mixed all have woman in the stern and sometimes when I teach tandem the woman student feels more comfortable back there. Engine goes in the bow. That's usually the guy.

It makes for a more compelling image too.. something to the viewer is different.
I don't have any interest in either sticker, but the image of #1 is very ambiguous and ill-defined with hard to interpret positions and perspectives. It appears almost as if both paddlers are sitting transverse with their backs to the artist. Both seem to have their paddles on the opposite side of the canoe away from the artist. My interpretation is that the woman is in the stern and they both are doing draw strokes to slip the canoe sideways away from the artist -- he a cross-bow draw and she a stern draw.

I'd prefer an oval sticker with the the new site logo (from the upper left corner) on it.
I've been accused of being simple minded and maybe now it's actually paying off (LOL). All I see is a male in the bow paddling on his right side with a woman in the stern paddling on her left. Add the gear between them and it looks like a nice set up for touring in the backcountry.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...Be well.

The idea of the stickers is to help raise funds to support the website. Having the stickers made was a first for me. Along the way I learned you better be careful of what image you use, using some else's property could be costly. So after we found that the logo image above didn't work as is, we had to find one that would.
A couple of things dictated what would work.
One, it had to be available free or some small amount without worrying about being tagged for copyright problems.
Two, it had to have the correct size so it would work when enlarged.
Third, it had to have instant recognition.....you see a canoe, you see two people, you see packs, you see a woman in the back, you see Canoetripping.net... pretty easy to figure out, not meant to be a work of art.

"Ambiguous and and ill-defined with hard to interpret positions and perspectives" Thanks, I'll keep that in mind on the next go-round and try to do better.;)

So I had 50 of both stickers made, the deal will be if you donate $15, I'll send you 1 sticker, donate $20, you get two of your choice. If you don't like the sticker, I'll keep it and the stamp and I'll still take your donation.
The Paypal donation button should be up soon. It should be able to take your Paypal donation, credit card donation, or you will be able to send a check.