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Tandem Posse

Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
Woonsocket, RI
For 21-years, the MVP and NHAMC have been sponsoring the year-end Drawdown and BBQ on the class II section of the Piscataquog River below the Gregg’s Falls Dam in NH. Jonathan and I were planning to do a tandem run, so we rounded up a few other tandem boaters to join us – a tandem boat posse.

This section is about 3-miles long with the most consistent rapids in the first mile. We took our time heading down through the first few rapids, and Jonathan and I tried our luck at surfing. From there is it mostly quickwater down to the take-out. There is one last rocky drop just above the take out. Kayaks still outnumbered the canoes by a lot, but the open boats made a good showing.

After a second "bomber run" we headed back to the dam for the BBQ – hamburgers, hot dogs and good company. Great day as always.

Few pictures of the tandem boats here:
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Awesome! I deduced that MVP is Merrimack Valley Paddlers and NHAMC is the Appalachian Mountain Club New Hampshire chapter. I'm going to get myself on a couple of those mailing lists and see if I can get off island for a couple of events next year. Thanks for the insight! Looks like a great time.
Awesome! I deduced that MVP is Merrimack Valley Paddlers and NHAMC is the Appalachian Mountain Club New Hampshire chapter. I'm going to get myself on a couple of those mailing lists and see if I can get off island for a couple of events next year. Thanks for the insight! Looks like a great time.
MVP is more about whitewater trips - many class 3 and up. NHAMC has a whitewater group and a river tripping/canoe group that are pretty active. Being an open boater I paddle more with NHAMC. I sent you a PM with the contact info for NHAMC.