Murat, that sport in the bow is not helping at all.. Is this the Moose River that drains into Hudson's Bay?
Murat, that sport in the bow is not helping at all.. Is this the Moose River that drains into Hudson's Bay?
His bio talks about tripping in the Temagami region. There's been renewed pressure to re-activate logging & mining activities in some of the protected old growth reserves along well known paddling routes. Maybe a subtle message about how we're right at the proverbial "tipping" point with the loss of those trees. But of course, he's from Toronto and according to the John Stewart Daily Show - everyone here in Toronto is on crack. Guess you never can really know what's happening in the mind of an artist.
Anyway, back to more traditional illustrators. Acer mentioned F.E. Schoonover... I finally was able to find the source of this classic image...
It's from a Scribner's Magazine short fiction article entitled, "His Quest, and the End of It" by Gerald Chittenden (VOL XLVIII, July, 1910)
I think that the horizontal seam across the stern of the canoe is artistic license. It jumped out at me right away. I remember seeing something like it only on the big fur trade canoes. But my copy of BARK CANOES AND SKIN BOATS OF NORTH AMERICA is out on loan, so I can't check now.