What does “mediocrity in our canoe lives” look like? Alternatively what does perfection in our canoe lives look like? I mean if perfection is an unblemished canoe haul, then I think there might be a little OCD going on, which is no perfection at all.
Does being mediocre mean incompetence? I don’t think so. I think you can be both competent at something and mediocre (average) at it too.
I am probably average at most things I do, but I am also competent at most things I do. I think both are true for most of us. Many people like to say the seek perfection, or are better than mediocre at things that are important to them, like a career. The reality is most people are just mediocre at these things. Not everyone can be above average, half the people who do something must be below average (mediocre) by definition. Very few people are truly exceptional at anything. That is kind of what makes being exceptional at something so exceptional.
Anyway, I just like to enjoy myself, and usually that means I am competent in something or i am in the process of becoming competent at that something. Which also means I am probably only mediocre or maybe less, but I don’t care because I am too busy enjoying myself.