I don't think I would ever spend the money for a Gransfors. I don't doubt the quality of the Gransfors or similar axes but unless I was building a cabin or attempting to survive long term with limited tools I can't rationalize the cost. For 25 to 50 dollars I can purchase an axe that is at least 80% as good as a Granfors axe. I even feel that way about knives to some extent. Is the a 150 dollar knife really twice as good as a 75 dollar knife?
Foxyotter, just that, and without searching I turned up several good quality axe heads in need of some TCL and re-hanging.
Oh, yeah, the original question:
So, considering the "just a minute" response I might get when asking the Havers of Axes for some firewood (I'm the only one planning to cook over the fire), would you bring your own axe?
Given that scenario, being the only one cooking over a fire, even if I knew that there were going to be a couple other axes along, I’d probably bring my own. If the other folk’s axes were pricey gransfors bruks or treasured family heirlooms, and they were persnickety about use, definitely yes. And I’d bring my own saw, as on every trip.
An axe rarely to never comes in the canoe, a saw comes on every trip, even day trips, just in strainer case. I really like the Silky Saw GomBoy; it has a plastic case, fits lengthwise in my day bag, and cuts (on the pull) like butter. I’d sooner spend $50 on a good folding saw than $50 on an axe.
A possibility, if you don’t get a handle hung your Snow and Nealley*, would be to buy an inexpensive modern axe. This little 15” (kinda short) Fiskars lives in the tripping truck, and mine came with a plastic “sheath” that attaches securely. At $21 I’m not aghast at using it to grub roots, or chop down brush at ground level to make an emergency plank road through mudholes.
https://www.walmart.com/ip/Fiskars-Chopping-Axe-28/29130512?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13= 2436&&adid=22222222227000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&w l3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=9007844&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl1 0=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=29130512&veh=sem&gclid=C jwKCAjwmv-DBhAMEiwA7xYrdxh1BN-2_s8g7SGtEzT52gunY9jxFLZjQWbxOU-8mOKp_BVmLdYqmhoCz2wQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
With that $20 Fiskars you could horrify your companions by deliberately splitting wood perched on a rock, and then driving the axe into the ground when you are done. It might be worth $20 just to see their expression of disapproval.
*On the other hand, if re-hung it in time, you could pull out that refurbished Snow and Nealley, regale them with historic tales of family treasures, and could understandably say “Don’t touch my axe!”