If you haven't clogged your arteries enough with Hot Buttered Rum, you can use the same compound butter to make some tasty stuffed and baked apples over the campfire. Enjoy!
Okay, now I'm convinced you're trying to get us all drunk and fat. Where do I sign up?
Alcohol, fat, sugar, salt. What more does any reasonable human want?![]()
I had originally planned to make it in the reflector oven, but the fire grate at our site wouldn't fit ours. We carried it for nothing, so we needed to replenish those wasted calories with ALL THE BUTTERSweeper: You answered my question. I was going to ask if this could be done with a reflector oven.
Mm, apple butter. Please send recipe.That is fine! I just finished apple butter. Some of it is on the ceiling.
I bring a couple of pieces of 3/8" rebar 2' long (fire irons). I keep mine in a pouch I made out of the leg of an old pair of jeans to keep the soot contained, and use a baker's rack for a grill for BBQing