I have the mini (Luci EMRG, 2.5 oz, IP67 waterproof rating) and a full sized version with a USB port for charging other devices (Luci Pro Series, 5.5 oz, IP67). I will strap them to the top of my pack or to the canoe somewhere during the day so they catch some rays. Most of the time I only bring the mini. In the event that I finish the one book I pack in (usually trade-sized paperback, 12-20oz, IP00), the Kindle app on my GPS/Camera (Samsung Galaxy S10, 5.54 oz, IP68) gets the nod.
My weak old eyes like those Luci-lights so much for nighttime book reading that I bring two of the 10-LED bright versions for nighttime reading. And there is a 3-LED mini in the ditch kit bag.
With an adjustable loop of 3mm line, cord locked line across the “head” of the tent (symmetrical tent, cord through tiny webbing loops at both ends) and aluminum mini-beeners on the strap ends of the Luci lights I can aim/adjust both of the Luci lights \ / shining directly on both pages of a book at once, well illluminated, no shadows. Even one Luci-light will do if I am rainy-days concerned about solar charge, but keeping those Luci-lights charged up has not been a problem.
the pushbutton is a little inconvenient, but aside from an expensive multi-function headlamp, i don't have any other suggestions.
I have a suggestion, for Luci-light.
That flush hidden push button, with low, high and oh-crap now it is flashing function, can be a PITA in the tent. I really wish Luci-light would put a little blind-tactile-feel plastic nipple over that wee dot, so I could turn the light off without needing to sit up with a flashlight to see WTF I was doing, and why the tent suddenly went disco strobe.