Yeah, temporary boat for sure. Though the seat is super comfy.

Still, it's a bit wide, a lot heavy, and pretty slow
I just read the OT catalog spec for the Next.
59 lbs? Hopefully that weight includes the seat/back and foot braces.
That is heavy for a 13 foot canoe. The RX Old Town Pack was “listed”* at 33lbs, and 59lbs is the same “listed” weight as your 16 foot Camper.
“Listed”. Out of curiosity have your weighed the Next? Old Town was sometimes a bit, um, understated with their given weights.
*OK, this canoe was an anomaly, but a friend had the world’s heaviest OT Pack. It was built in 1991 when there were some screwy things going on with a change in RX sheet production. He was a big guy, too big for the boat actually, and when the thwart rotted out he paddled it unthwarted. The hull should have folded around him like a bean pod, but all it did was flex inwards a bit at the seat.
When I installed a new thwart for him I discovered that his Pack was absurdly heavy; it was easily 45lbs, maybe more. Of course that Uber Pack is still going strong 25 abusive years later.
Perhaps the Next is an “occasional use” canoe rather than temporary. There is a place, or places, for a 13 foot canoe, even a heavy one, where speed matters less; twisty go-slow marsh gut penetrations or thick swamp stream explores. Small boat, small places.
And the Next is poly, so when you drop composite coin on a Keewaydin 15 or Shearwater you’ll still have a canoe to beat up for years to come on shallow rocky river day trips.
That does beg the question “How many canoes does a man need?”
Other than the answer “Just one more” I would defend: a lightweight composite tripper (your next canoe), an RX or expedition layup tripper, a shorter hull for twisty and occluded stuff, a whitewater or poling boat if such suits your pursuits. Maybe a decked sailing canoe with rudder. At least 4 purpose designed canoes, maybe 5.
I like the skewed perspective of panoramic shot with the double blade wings. What length double did you use?
BTW – I refuse to type Next all in caps. That is some OT ad-man’s idea.