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Best camping plate/bowl ever!

Mar 4, 2017
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West-central Alberta
Over the years I've tried a variety of possible plate/bowls and have found all of them wanting in some way or another. I've been using this dog dish as my personal camping plate/bowl for the past few years and it's the best one I've tried to date.

This dish:
is easy to clean (stainless steel),
it has rubber on the bottom and up the side so fingers don't get burned from hot soup or hot cereal and so it does not slide around,
it is deep enough to use for soup or a stew,
it is flat on the bottom so it stays put when I put it down on my lap or on the ground (note rubber on the bottom mentioned above).
because it is flat on the bottom it is easy to cut things that need to be cut,
it holds a generous portion (so you don't have to worry if there will be seconds - you simply take enough the first time to eliminate that concern,
it is inexpensive!

What more can a person want?

Note that if you trip with a dog, you may experience conflicts.
For my simple needs, I've found the best bowl is no bowl. My hot meals and even cold cereals are almost entirely commercial freeze dried meals. I just eat the food right out of the packages. No dishes to wash.

That said, I usually carry a typical plastic camping bowl, too, though I hardly ever use it for anything. The plastic bowl in my new stove and cooking kit, carefully assembled during Covid hibernation but so far unused, has a snap-on lid, which could be used to store small things like tea bags and sweetener packets. But I do now have three different stoves (propane, alcohol, twig) to boil water for my bowl-less meals and decaffeinated hibiscus and green tea.
Looks like a dog bowl lol! Cool!
It is a dog bowl. You should try one. If you do, get one with the rubber part way up the sides as well as on the bottom because it is easier to hold because it insulates your hands from the heat.

or my simple needs, I've found the best bowl is no bowl. My hot meals and even cold cereals are almost entirely commercial freeze dried meals. I just eat the food right out of the packages. No dishes to wash.

I don't use commercial freeze dried meals mostly because of the cost and partially because there are usually 4 or more people on my trips. We do group breakfasts and suppers which are often one pot meals or a starch in one pot with a sauce in another pot. The dog bowl is very versatile and easy to care for.
If I were to do solo trips then I could see going to a Jet Boil and freeze dried meals.
I became intrigued by stainless kit a few years ago but didn't want to part with the $$ to outfit my camp kitchen, so I picked up a pair of ss cake pans from Value Village. They're the perfect size (9" dia x 2" deep maybe). I was so impressed with them I picked up another pair of cake pans but this time they're some kind of anodized finish with extended rims on 2 sides for easier handling.
These pans took a beating on the last trip and performed well. At one point a pair were used to heat up some ghee and naan bread over the coals.
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