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Bacon in the boat

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Food scraps are to be avoided. But yes if they exist or can't be burned in a really hot fire, into the water away from anyone's camp. No bacon today all gone. No bear interested. We're camping on several of the Apostle Islands famous for high bear density. I suspect my paltry bacon is no match for the blueberries and thimble berries in profusion
Hi Christy, Not sure how the bacon is where you are but all I've seen has quite a bit of salt in it, not too sure if that's the best thing to wipe down anything made of steel?
Maybe if you placed the bacon fat in a very gently boiling pot of water, you could leach out the salt, don't really know, I've never tried it.

Given that all my firearms are manually operated (bolt, pump or lever) in hopes that the lube stays put I use some 90wt. oil. Very thick stuff, almost but not quite a grease.

I've poured the extra bacon fat into cornbread or a pancake and then left it well away from any camping place for some animal to find. Given how super packed with two highly esteemed foods it is (fat+salt) I like to imagine how delighted and amazed some little animal is when he finds it. And then think of his reception when he gets home and his wife smells it on his breath!

Glad you're feeling better, we were all worried.

Best Wishes, OM
Now, I have been warned off of bacon by some guy that calls himself a doctor.I cheat a little but the bacon is mostly for others ( read : Karin).


Is a life without bacon a life worth living? Besides... they cleared/bypassed the blockages right? Those arteries should be flowing like new. Seems like YC fell off the wagon so to speak...

Disclaimer: I AM NOT A DOCTOR!
Bacon. Home smoked incurred pork belly. I lust I have to go to mass. No make that Mass to an Asian market I know has fresh virgin o Pork belly I it's a need now not a want
Odyssey - The Apostle Islands are in Lake Superior off the coast of WI. They actually made the news this past winter because the ice on the lake froze so solidly that folks were able to walk out the numerous islands and cave formations due to the bitter cold.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....BACON FOR EVERYONE (if I could only make that come true...sigh).

Sob. I NEED bacon. All I can find is whitefish livers. They need bacon too . TR coming re Superior sampler. Eventually. So far we paddled off Rossport ON and now six days on the Apostles. Today was paddling sea caves Today was thinking about bacon.. More Superior sampling to do. Moving to Pictured Rocks. Maybe they will have good bacon. I hope
Just got back from a gorgeous canoe trip. My son wanted to go one one for his birthday to introduce his girlfriend to canoeing. Such a great time! And in the morning, we had slab bacon, triple cold smoked, so salty I had to drink beer all day! I still have some in my fridge, and on Tuesday when i return to work, I will cook it up in th morning and pretend to still be enjoying a canoe trip.

Brad, I tried the vegetarian thing too, lasted six months, it's just not right when bacon exists.

Camping on Crown Land in my area is so much fun, because there are no rules to follow, and no people around to bother with. I poured all that grease into the fire and it went up like a defective sputnik, not only burning every trace of itself away, but also most of the hair on my forearm.

My wife and my son's girlfriend with our supper, procured in the rapids right in front of our campsite.
Is a life without bacon a life worth living? Besides... they cleared/bypassed the blockages right? Those arteries should be flowing like new. Seems like YC fell off the wagon so to speak...

Disclaimer: I AM NOT A DOCTOR!

Christy has this fascination with taking fresh food on every trip which is partly why we are always carrying heavy. Bacon is the most likely culprit for her heart attack in the first place, heredity aside. She has one fully open artery, the others, not so much. She needs to stay away from the bacon.

Generally we take a soft sided cooler with pop bottles of ice to keep it cool. When empty just fold it up and stick it in a pack. I'm not much for eating at all, I only do since I have to. If I could give up food entirely I would.

Is a life without bacon a life worth living? Besides... they cleared/bypassed the blockages right? Those arteries should be flowing like new. Seems like YC fell off the wagon so to speak...

Disclaimer: I AM NOT A DOCTOR!

Excuse me?? I was never put on the wagon. One should not speak of what one does not know.
The bacon comes from European Meats in Thunder Bay. Walking into that place will make any avid carnivore start to drool immediately.
What can you get away without refrigeration? I've read of people (Seeker?) taking bacon with them and no cooler... maybe?

Is there a specific cured bacon that can survive this without killing you? I've looked a little but I haven't found a definite answer.

Eggs would good as well. Any idea on what you can get away with there?

I'm getting sick of Hawk Vittles and Mountain House to the point where it's making me want to come back to civilization sooner.

Yeah, that's me... I wasn't talking about run of the mill grocery store bacon though... I get mine from Liehs & Steigerwald, out of Syracuse NY (also have a store in Liverpool, near the intersection of I-81 and 481, across from the Great Northern Mall). It's a German place that's been in business since the 20s... I went to school with the grandkids, one of whom now runs the place... They smoke the bacon, and that adds shelf life. If you call and ask, they'll "double smoke" it, and it's good for about a week in an Adirondack summer... It also lasts longer if you get it as a flitch, instead of sliced.

(commentary... spell check is confused by the word "flitch"... apparently it's not a common word? how sad. It's a slab of bacon.)

The other thing you could look for is "dry cured" bacon, which is an entirely different animal than the wet cured bacon they sell in stores these days... Think Virginia Ham, but bacon... salty, dry, preserved, lasts for months... Not sure of a source for it. When I was a kid, my dad used to get some from Germany, and we'd eat it raw... just carve the rind off, cut a strip about 1/2" thick, and then cut that into little nuggets... they were delicious. Guess the smoking sort of cooked it too.

Fresh "from the chicken" eggs will last for a couple weeks if you dip them in vegetable or olive oil and wipe them off... this seals them somehow (commercial eggs get washed, and this opens the pores to spoiling bacterial, so they need to be refrigerated). I've only pushed that theory to a week, personally.

I bring evaporated milk with me too, and reseal the small cans by turning them over while plugging the holes with my thumbs... the skin that forms in the opening seals it up again, and I use a can every 2 days if my daughter is with me, maybe every 3 if i'm solo... you can cover them with tape as well, but i wouldn't push this too far time-wise. I just don't like dried milk, since it's non-fat... heard that Nido powder is good (hispanic food section), but i can never find it in my area.

I also think that some folks have more sensitive digestive systems than others... I grew up eating dirt, drinking out of hose and the local ponds and creeks, and don't seem to have nearly the trouble that others I know have... I will rinse and eat stuff i've dropped on the ground vs going hungry, or wasting it, and don't fuss much over "contaminating" my cookware with raw eggs (chicken's a slightly different story)... I won't eat raw eggs, but my wife bleaches anything touched by eggs or chicken... she's sick way more often than i am... growing up, my neighbor's kids were like that... their mom sterilized everything, and they were always sick. I shared a cup at another neighbor's house (they had 4 boys), and we all did fine...

anyway, that's all i've got.
Yes I've always been careful about the bears. And I have the IBS... so I'll likely be running the ports if I get a bad piece of bacon!

I don't usually stay at the same site twice, so I guess I could say my morning bacon fat is the next guys problem LOL... I usually have to contend with others leftovers in the fire pit.

What do others do? Let it harden and carry it out? That's not a huge problem. Could always dump it down the thunderbox. I doubt a bear would go there after it, although he might surprise you during your morning constitutional if he's sniffing around for it. But then again, that'll be the next guys problem :rolleyes:

I cannot believe I just read the above post on this site, or from a canoe tripper on any canoe tripping forum.

Pour food waste down the pit toilet? This is a stupid thing to do. Every single authority that makes and maintains pit privies and campsites (parks, public land, or private land managers) says to NOT do this. Front country campgrounds even post signs not to do this. Its simply not appropriate to do this in the back country.

Degrade the campsite, then take off because you don't use the same site twice, and its "the next guy's problem" ? Is that really your attitude? :mad: Unbelievable.....

Re bacon: Bacon can be pre-cooked at home, dried in the oven with the door ajar, and it will keep really well. The fat is rendered and can keep for a long time without refigeration. You can buy this product in the grocery stores around here, but its expensive and you can make it yourself at home. At camp re-warm in the fry pan or in foil, and its dripping with fat, almost good as fresh, or eat cold. Cold bacon is good! Myself, I do not bring and cook bacon in the summer, as it is a bear attractant, and bacon fat seems to be carried in micro droplets in the air and attaches to and lingers on gear, clothing, rocks, etc. Experiment: cook bacon at home, then leave house and come back 3 hours later, and I bet you can still smell bacon. If you can smell it than so can bears. However Memaquay travels with a chain saw and a gun and knows how to use them, so I would feel safe travelling with him and cooking bacon! :)

Re eggs: I have been testing OvaEasy eggs (freeze dried crystals) for 3 years now, and I am truly amazed at how delicious these are, and the perfect scrambled egg texture you get - they are real eggs. I fry them up for every breakfast now on canoe trips. Since OE stopped selling direct into Canada, I drive to the States to pick up a bluk order. Not everyone in Canada can do this of course, but it looks like Bridens is acting as a Canadian importer for Thrive brand scrambled eggs mix, which is also apparently freeze dried, not dehydrated: http://www.bridensolutions.ca/thrive-meat-dairy#Eggs I have not tried this Thrive product, but watched their a YT videos and they looked to be very close if not identical to OE. I should buy a can and do a comparison video. However I have a huge stockpile of OE eggs and don't have much incentive to switch, because they are the perfect tripping food when fried in lots of oil and sprinkled with Tex-Mex! mmmmmmm :)
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HOOP you misread Mike's post. Start with the first sentence. The rest of the post was clearly tongue-in-cheek and not meant to be taken literally. It came with those smilie things too
I agree, Bird likes to stir things up by writing foolish things. I suspect when he was a little kid he'd stick his fingers in the fan, just to see what would happen.

Well, we're all different and somebody else's fun probably isn't mine but I do see a problem with blab that steps on the toes of safety. Look at some of the popular threads and see just how many folks have looked at them. The numbers are huge compared with how many of us are members here. And some of that gaggle will read this post and miss the kidding and some (how many???) will go away with the idea that it's OK to scatter bacon fat around and leave it for the next campers.
In this life I've been amazed how creatively stupid humanity can be. It's almost an inverse thing, the worse the idea is the more attractive it becomes for some.

All I'm saying is that maybe we ought to give just a little forethought to what we're saying and if it could be misconstrued and place someone in danger it really would be best to not to do it.

Wow, did I really say that? I'm advocating political correctness?? I guess I did and do. If it was just a matter of somebody getting their feelings hurt or being offended, I'd say T.S. but getting eaten by a bear is serious business.

A little conflicted, Rob (om)
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We've got a virtual campfire here which is nice. But it can be misleading to late arrivals who haven't been in on the story from the start
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Good rant Hoop. Not quite Dennis Miller quality but way better than Rick Mercer to be sure.

We are headed out in the morning for a week, maybe eventually as far as the Bloodvein. Quélle est? Cést impossible. But non mais amis. And I guarantee you there is bacon in MY food barrel. Not that I can have much. We will be doing the pancake thing too and that means sirop..sooooo strike two. Bacon, pancake sirop, all I need now is peanut butter for the bear cafe. I do have some dehydrated meals with me too but it looks like pickerel may be our main staple. Either that or KD.

Hopefully we will have some interesting pics and a scouting report for you on our return.

Yeah sorry, that post was a bit cheeky. I don't dump anything in the toilets or leave anything in the fire pits.

I was actually talking from my own point of view in that I see this sort of thing quite often, and it bothers me a bit... but my thought is the person who did it thought they wouldn't have to deal with it so it doesn't matter.

Honestly, and speaking without jest, I don't see the issue with burning bacon fat if it's been burned completely. I don't know that I'd dump it in the lake - I just don't dump anything in the lakes, but maybe it doesn't do much... but that's just me. Honestly I doubt it would do much in a pit privy, anything that's biodegrade wouldn't do any harm - the signs are there because people dump plastic down there. It may attract animals - and I try to do my best to keep that from happening. I won't even feed a chipmunk and yell at my wife when she does... some get pretty brave around popular campsites (and fat too).

I don't know that I say things like that to rile people up or because I stuck my hand in fans when I was young... I say it because it's my way of brushing off the things I see that bother me... but it's hard to convey sarcasm on the internet, I try to be as obvious as I can, but sometimes it's not.
Yeah, that's me... I wasn't talking about run of the mill grocery store bacon though... I get mine from Liehs & Steigerwald, out of Syracuse NY (also have a store in Liverpool, near the intersection of I-81 and 481, across from the Great Northern Mall). It's a German place that's been in business since the 20s... I went to school with the grandkids, one of whom now runs the place... They smoke the bacon, and that adds shelf life. If you call and ask, they'll "double smoke" it, and it's good for about a week in an Adirondack summer... It also lasts longer if you get it as a flitch, instead of sliced.

(commentary... spell check is confused by the word "flitch"... apparently it's not a common word? how sad. It's a slab of bacon.)

The other thing you could look for is "dry cured" bacon, which is an entirely different animal than the wet cured bacon they sell in stores these days... Think Virginia Ham, but bacon... salty, dry, preserved, lasts for months... Not sure of a source for it. When I was a kid, my dad used to get some from Germany, and we'd eat it raw... just carve the rind off, cut a strip about 1/2" thick, and then cut that into little nuggets... they were delicious. Guess the smoking sort of cooked it too.

Fresh "from the chicken" eggs will last for a couple weeks if you dip them in vegetable or olive oil and wipe them off... this seals them somehow (commercial eggs get washed, and this opens the pores to spoiling bacterial, so they need to be refrigerated). I've only pushed that theory to a week, personally.

I bring evaporated milk with me too, and reseal the small cans by turning them over while plugging the holes with my thumbs... the skin that forms in the opening seals it up again, and I use a can every 2 days if my daughter is with me, maybe every 3 if i'm solo... you can cover them with tape as well, but i wouldn't push this too far time-wise. I just don't like dried milk, since it's non-fat... heard that Nido powder is good (hispanic food section), but i can never find it in my area.

I also think that some folks have more sensitive digestive systems than others... I grew up eating dirt, drinking out of hose and the local ponds and creeks, and don't seem to have nearly the trouble that others I know have... I will rinse and eat stuff i've dropped on the ground vs going hungry, or wasting it, and don't fuss much over "contaminating" my cookware with raw eggs (chicken's a slightly different story)... I won't eat raw eggs, but my wife bleaches anything touched by eggs or chicken... she's sick way more often than i am... growing up, my neighbor's kids were like that... their mom sterilized everything, and they were always sick. I shared a cup at another neighbor's house (they had 4 boys), and we all did fine...

anyway, that's all i've got.

Thanks for the info Seeker.

I guess on the bacon front what I want to know is what the shelf life of the hot smoke vs the cold smoke bacon is? Obviously the hot smoke is precooked. I can get that readily at the German market Ducttape mentioned.

As far as the cleanliness thing.... don't even get me started. I've got a few stomach issues but it has nothing to do with 'germs' - it's all hereditary and probably agitated from eating highly processed foods.

I can't stand these people disinfecting everything and using hand sanitizer every five minutes. I went through a phase when I was young where I was into hand washing and then I realized it made my hands dry and cracked in the winter so I stopped doing it obsessively. I haven't died yet.

Now I'm quite the opposite. I carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my toilet paper bag for feces contamination, but that's the only time I use it. I was my hands in the lake or ponds any other time. I wash my dishes with boiling water only, no soap (I used to use bio-soap, but even that's bad).

The only thing I don't like about handling meat is getting fat on my hands. I'm not worried about germs but it's quite hard to remove with just water. I usually don't like man-handling the meat for that reason only. Hand sanitizer won't cut that either, only hot water and heavy soap, and I don't like dumping that crap in the water.

So yeah, some might know I'm a bit of an eco-Nazi... and probably why they weren't offended by my other post. Honestly bacon grease won't hurt the earth, but I never want to attract bears either. I've never had a bear bother me and I'd like to keep it that way. More likely it's just the little critters that get attracted (mice, squirrels, chipmunks) and I don't want them either. And usually the biggest food thief is my own dog. Go to any lean to in the Adirondacks and you'll see a healthy family of mice there feeding off crap other people left out there. We saw one living off a bar of Irish Spring soap (must be a lot of fat in there). I had a red squirrel attack me trying to steal my food in another. I prefer a tent these days...
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