That used to be a favorite camp for us. The fire wiped out the forest and the hotel/outfitter operation. How’s the area recovering? It was a beautiful river to float.Saw them once at Two Hearted River campground on north shore of Michigan UP….faint but still beautiful.
I haven’t been in decades but Chip was there recently on his Michigan swing.I worked my way up to the Mouth of the Two Hearted River State Forest Campground. The weather was cold, rainy, and windy, and I was going to skip the Two Hearted in favor of doing laundry. But, the Two Hearted looked so charming when I looked at it from Reed Green Bridge, I unloaded the boat and started paddling. It rained, but I loved the Two Hearted, and the last couple miles through dunes and burned ghost forest, with the roar of lake surf and the wind whistling among the dead trees, were wild and beautiful.
If you don’t always feel like looking up the forecast, there’s an app you can download called Aurora. I wouldn’t rely on it entirely, but it’ll notify you when they’re going to happen and what the odds are. It also has links and forecast info in the app. Again, I wouldn’t rely too heavily on it, but it has worked for me in the pastSince this got brought up again, and the forecast is for good sighting into 2024, I'm wondering if anyone has a website that can give one a heads-up as to possible viewing dates? Usually, when they do occur near me, I only hear about it the morning after. If there's a site folks can check for potential viewing, that would be a big help.
That's all for now. Take care and until next well.