From the web site:
This session is built around wilderness paddling - centered on paddling Canada's "Little North" and the Canadian Keewaydin Temagami canoeing camps. But keep in mind that you don’t need to be planning a major expedition to enjoy this session.
Our two presenters have over a century of wilderness paddling experience between them. This experience, and their willingness to share the stories and knowledge gained over that time, make this a unique opportunity for you to listen, learn, enjoy and get your questions answered. Whether you're just starting canoeing, only paddle local water, or are an experienced wilderness paddler, it should be a great night!
NOTE: Our presenters will be joining us via Zoom - they will not be at the shop.
Join us for this unique opportunity!
Jonathan Berger’s has spent 64 years exploring and documenting his trips through the Canadian North. He is the co-author of “Canoe Atlas of the Little North”, described as "A landmark reference on a vast and historic area. First Nations people call it Nishwawbe-Aski, Land of the Original People. The area known as the Little North lies in Ontario and Manitoba, north of Lake Superior, east of Lake Winnipeg, west of James Bay and south of Hudson Bay." He also is a experienced sketch artist whose work illustrates the Little Atlas.
Bill Seely has 40 years in the bush with and around Keewaydin. He grew up canoeing through the Keewaydin Temagami - Keewaydin Camp system and became one of the Hudson Bay Guides - the team that leads senior campers on a 7 week self contained wilderness expedition paddle to Hudson Bay using traditional wood and canvas canoes, carrying all of their gear and supplies, and portaging using wannigans, tumplines and other traditional techniques. His experience paddling this region, especially leading a group of adolescent males safely through the adventure, provides a wealth of knowledge to share. His last trip down to The Bay was on the Attiwapiskat in 2019.
This session will meet in person at White Rose Canoe, 291 High Road, Newbury, MA 01951. There will also be a Zoom meeting for those who aren’t able to join us in person.
This session is built around wilderness paddling - centered on paddling Canada's "Little North" and the Canadian Keewaydin Temagami canoeing camps. But keep in mind that you don’t need to be planning a major expedition to enjoy this session.
Our two presenters have over a century of wilderness paddling experience between them. This experience, and their willingness to share the stories and knowledge gained over that time, make this a unique opportunity for you to listen, learn, enjoy and get your questions answered. Whether you're just starting canoeing, only paddle local water, or are an experienced wilderness paddler, it should be a great night!
NOTE: Our presenters will be joining us via Zoom - they will not be at the shop.
Join us for this unique opportunity!
Jonathan Berger’s has spent 64 years exploring and documenting his trips through the Canadian North. He is the co-author of “Canoe Atlas of the Little North”, described as "A landmark reference on a vast and historic area. First Nations people call it Nishwawbe-Aski, Land of the Original People. The area known as the Little North lies in Ontario and Manitoba, north of Lake Superior, east of Lake Winnipeg, west of James Bay and south of Hudson Bay." He also is a experienced sketch artist whose work illustrates the Little Atlas.
Bill Seely has 40 years in the bush with and around Keewaydin. He grew up canoeing through the Keewaydin Temagami - Keewaydin Camp system and became one of the Hudson Bay Guides - the team that leads senior campers on a 7 week self contained wilderness expedition paddle to Hudson Bay using traditional wood and canvas canoes, carrying all of their gear and supplies, and portaging using wannigans, tumplines and other traditional techniques. His experience paddling this region, especially leading a group of adolescent males safely through the adventure, provides a wealth of knowledge to share. His last trip down to The Bay was on the Attiwapiskat in 2019.
This session will meet in person at White Rose Canoe, 291 High Road, Newbury, MA 01951. There will also be a Zoom meeting for those who aren’t able to join us in person.

Gather: Tripping in Canada's Little North - Stories, Techniques and Tips — White Rose Canoe
Tripping in the Canadian North - for many paddlers it would be a dream come true. And even if it’s not your dream, listening to the stories and picking up the techniques and tips from two presenters with over 100 years of combined wilderness paddling experience will make for an enjoyable and inform