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An open letter to the group

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
Below is a quote from a thread about canoe paddles and my response. Yellowcanoe and I used to be friends, we even tripped together but that was a long time ago. I'm sorry about your health YC, but I to also suffer from cancer. I had a tumour removed from my bladder in December. Non invasive, but the real threat to me is that while I was enjoying the benefits of Agent Orange in the Hobo Woods in 68 my grandchildren now might not be so lucky. The gift that keeps on giving.
But I digress.

yellowcanoe;n29458 Its not true that one man paddle shops make one grade of paddle. One that used to post here before being ushered out.....[/QUOTE said:
Mark Orinstien (the person referred to in Yellowcanoes post above) is still a member and was never "Ushered out" He is and was a self promoter who attempted to use this site as a platform to encourage interest in freestyle paddling of which he is financially rewarded by selling paddles, canoes and instruction. He never joined in any discussion with the group before or since. I believe my actions where for the good of the site and stand by them. Yellowcanoe felt I was wrong and should have supported the freestyle agenda here.

I have been the target of Yellowcanoes repeated negative remarks like above since Mark announced his intentions to start a Freestyle thread. She has quit the site 4, maybe 5 times and has run the site and me down every time.

I took over this site when it was orphaned because I enjoy canoes and canoe tripping. No one else stepped forward and if I hadn't invested the time and my own money in the beginning there would be no Canoetripping.net today.

I believe the greatness of this site is the members who contribute their friendly and informative posts. I am deeply indebted to you. But, I also have learned that being the moderator who has the sole job of keeping the site focused on canoes and canoe tripping is sometimes a thankless job.

Thin skinned? Maybe, but there comes a point.....

I refuse to be the target of anyone's repeated attacks, no matter how veiled they are. I'm an old truck driver who learned to stand my ground. I will not be pushed around and that's the final word. If this bothers you, sorry, but I will delete and ban anyone who chose's to continue to be negative to this site or the way it is run.
You have the option to go elsewhere. 6 months from now you will be forgotten and the site will be doing fine.
Thank you so much for wonderful work on this site and the open letter. I have not been on her very long, but, from the outset, it was clear to me that this is intended to be a non-commercial place to share knowledge, gain insight and have fun in a respectful manner.
You have need to apologize to anyone and deserve only respect and admiration for what you have accomplished with this site and in you life. Thank you again.
This is a fine site. Robin, you and I have had some differences, and eventually I realized that what was offensive to me was invisible to others. I would never have guessed at the contents of your post above. Whatever may be said, I wish you and YC and all the rest of us self-involved humans (maybe myself in particular) enough wisdom to know when to let it be. And when we don't, may we have good friends around us who will help us find a broader perspective.
I don't know you, I wish I would! Maybe one day I'll get to meet with you and that will be a good day!! Everything that was said above and can't agree more!
Long life to you and this site!
You know how I feel Robin. You've "recreated" this site, it brings no financial gain to you, and enough is enough. You've done an excellent job, made the right calls. You've got my support.
Hey,I'm a bladder cancer survivor (7years) too-mine was occupationally caused-thank you for your service! You have my support. Thanks for this site.
IHS, Turtle
Robin, As I mentioned to you on our paddle you're doing a great job on the site. One of the main things I appreciate is that the vast majority of the people who post on the site remain respectful of each other as compared to other paddling sites.
Robin - I'm sorry it's come to this but please know, for what it's worth, you have my continued support. What you've taken on is essentially a thankless task. You're to be commended for all you've done and continue to do to keep this site going. I can certainly understand a difference in opinions but when things get personal, and I know they have (it's obvious from what's been written), well there's no reason to accept that. I'm glad you're sticking to your guns. It's sad when friendships end but that's part of life's cycle. Hopefully everyone will be able to move on and, in the future, be more thoughtful before posting.

That's all for now. Take care, thanks again for your continued support of the canoeing community and until our paths should cross...be well.

Robin, thank you for this site and I will continue to support you and the site.

Same here.

One thing that has been on my mind. I made a contribution to CanoeTripping, but I honestly don’t remember how long ago that was. I’d like to make that an annual donation to help with expenses related to maintaining the site.

I’m not suggesting some pledge drive, but I know I won’t remember from year to year without some kind of reminder, nudge or annual fundraiser.

I’m sure it’s been at least a year, so I’ll put something in the mail soon.
thanks Robin. I see stuff on this site I can find no where else. It has enormous value to me. I will try to focus on positive thoughts and think of Bob Marley and his pos itve vi brations.
You know how I feel about the site and your stewardship. We are lucky to have you. Thanks.
Your friend,
I feel obligated to respond

Marc does make paddles hopefully for a profit. He never mentioned that enterprise. I did
What neither Robin nor the posters here realize is that the other things Marc does for the American Canoe Association are never for a profit. I cannot think of any other person who has given so much time and effort into promoting the sport of canoeing.
I have said time and time again that there is much prejudging here without knowing all the facts. It's not time to assign blame but as paddlers to UNITE with other paddlers to ensure the future of canoeing and canoe tripping
I don't know of a single person in the canoe world who has made significant financial gain from canoeing.
I think it's time we became a little more open minded. I can appreciate the vetting that needs to be done. It's hard to separate spam from real at the entry stage. Errors have been made there too
It's time to learn from our errors

In case anyone is interested As I am being portrayed as a money grabber I invite you to join a free canoe event inPenndylvania if you'd like some informal instruction. Free Marc will be there too
Western PA Solo Canoe Rendezvous

PS I do value this site and those contributing
I would say this privately, but would rather be public about it:
Well said, Kim, and with a fairly balanced tone.

It would be nice if all forums could air their dirty laundry with as little drama.
Robin. We all appreciate what you do for the site to keep it going. I came across the site over a year ago and do enjoy logging on and reading everybody's posts. It is called Canoe Tripping . Net and I believe everybody here is here for that reason. It would be nice if the Freestyle world could have a site of their own. There are many ways that freestyle can be promoted on the web. Facebook and YouTube are just two.
When I come across forums, I never realize the cost of running a site like this, I always assume they are free. Usually most forums are loaded with advertising and I appreciate the lack of ads here. If you are ever considering giving up the day to day operations, please let the group know well in advance so someone may step forward to keep it going. Also, if you are running low on funds for operations please let us know so we can replenish the coffers.
Robin, you are doing a great job. This is your site and your call so do what you gotta do, and you certainly don't need to apologize for your decisions.
Robin, thank you for maintaining and moderating this site, generally speaking I'm sure it's a thankless job, but guys like me are happy they can turn on their computer and find a wealth of information right here. Thanks again.