Well, I kinda told a few friends I'd steer clear of this thread, but I never was all that good at direction, so here's my 2 cents.
Nobody formed a committee to rescue a paddling forum sadly set adrift by tragic circumstances. One sole person did. I have no idea why he did, perhaps he's asked himself the same question, likely during stormy sessions of barbed banter. In any case, Robin did rescue this forum, and has been learning the hard way; making things up as he goes along. If you'll permit my analogy-he's taken on this forum solo, patching up the leaks, making this craft stronger, and thereby making it his own. He's shared this with any who would see fit to join. He's made few rules, perhaps because he likes to wander as he explores the tripping world. The ones he has sorta made may not make perfect sense to everyone, including myself, but again, he's not signed on a crew to help steer a course, only companions who'll share the trip. I have stepped away from time to time, as not all threads interest me. I've always made my way back to rejoin this tripping brigade, because I enjoy learning, laughing, and seeing where this group will take me. I have no desire to help out, besides donating $$ whenever it's needed, because I'm more of a drifter than a dedicated crew member. I think Robin has his own vision of what this tripping forum- craft will ultimately look like, and where it'll take him and us. I'm thankful for the journey so far, and am willing to travel as far as we can go. I'm not very interested in turning this solo led excursion into a democratic bureaucracy; I agree with much that has been said so far. I just don't want to see this free-form rag-tag forum group shackle itself to rules, regulations, votes, constitutions and committees. Despotism and anarchy? Hmm, maybe. Or else this is all just one solo tripper's idea of a good trip. We're all welcome to come along, leave for awhile and return, or drift away to chart our own courses. Robin's arbitrary ideas of what is and isn't tripping doesn't bother me. I can engage or ignore at my free will. I do it often, goodness knows why my own blabber drivel hasn't gotten me a telling off. If and when it does, I'll step away to lick my ego wounds, pick up my gear, and hustle to catch up to this tripping brigade. I still have much to learn, to laugh at, and I'm danged if I know where this will take me. This is a good group. I don't want to be left behind.