• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Alternatives for this site's future

"The server setup is pretty fast. We don't oversell server space, whereas some companies will often pack as many virtual machines on a server as possible (Godaddy is particularly bad about this). Plus I don't set them up with default MySQL database and Apache web server setttings. I apply numerous optimization tweaks to both which on average cut page response time in half."

That's funny! It's also an extremely accurate assessment that anyone (like me) with a budget hosting package from GoDaddy can appreciate 'cause it's all so very true (but I still Like GoDaddy as a host for my tiny personal site, low-level support has always been excellent).

In any event, we can upgrade a long way before we reach the $120/month

We'll find everything out, eventually.

I hope the site will still be active even if "eventually" is quite a way down the road!

Fee creep and add ons are the gravy for tech service companies, price transparency is not their strong suite (on purpose). That said you can run a nice site for very little on a cost per user basis and the current base costs from Driven 2 seem very reasonable.
I hope the site will still be active even if "eventually" is quite a way down the road!
Just a thought but I believe the site should have email addresses for any who cannot currently login. Perhaps a quick "We fixed the site & want you back" email after the migration is complete?

There's been a noticeable lack of activity lately but I suspect that that is because there are many, like me, that are holding off posting trip reports, canoe building updates etc until everyone can fully participate.
Hopefully this will make it onto this topic so here goes....not that my "vote" is needed but I'm in favor of the full migration and appreciate all that's been done by Glenn and everyone else on our behalf. I look forward to the future of the forum as we move forward.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

I am all in favor of the changes and thank those who have put the time and effort into researching the alternatives... today is the first time I have been able to log in for about 90 days. Glad to be able to to do that again, though I am completely in the dark about what has changed for my account (log ins attempted on 5 different devices I own.) to be able to do anything more than read posts.
Wonders never cease. Today, I've been able to log in for the first time in months. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the new platform and will make a contribution.
Just a thought but I believe the site should have email addresses for any who cannot currently login. Perhaps a quick "We fixed the site & want you back" email after the migration is complete?

Xenforo does have a mass email to registered users feature, and it's a good suggestion to send one out after the migration. I don't know if vBulletin has such a feature now, but if it does, and since no one knows how many members can't log in or have drifted away, perhaps DaveO should consider sending one out to briefly describe our current situation and the upcoming migration.
Wow, able to log on for the first time in ages....

While this is still working, allow me to add my encouragement for the full migration as well as my thanks to all involved, especially DaveO and Glenn.
I am reluctant to do anything other than that which I already know how to do, and that which is absolutely necessary for the migration. I might inadvertently create a tech problem and any vBulletin tech support is at best problematic and relatively expensive at this point. I am uncomfortable asking my IT guy for any further favors since the site won't be using his services going forward.
I suspect your devices are finally automatically updating the OS and/or browser programs, or clearing the caches, and thus the devices can now read the javascript on the site.
Here too. I was able to log in a week or two ago for a day, then not again till now. As I stated before, I'm aboard for staying with the site. My thanks and appreciation to those who are putting so much into it.
I was also able to log in for the first time in a long while. I fully support the full migration option and will donate to keep the site going. I have enjoyed the forums and benefitted several times from advice given freely. Thanks Glenn for all the time and hard work you have into this transition. Looking forward to the new version of canoetripping!
I support this “evolution “ of the site, even though I don’t stop by that often. I’ll also contribute when the time comes. Thanks to you guys who have carried the large loads here...
(thinking about another build next winter, which is why I stopped by....)
While not yet entirely firm, the site migration is tentatively scheduled to begin two days from now on August 19. The site will be down for 3-7 days, depending how long it takes me to learn basics. I'll also start a new thread announcing this same info.