I had great plans and hopes for this site. I have enjoyed my time as Admin, for the most part. I met new canoe friends, and learned a lot. My changed circumstances, however, require that I hand off the site.
My first priority is as custodian of the archives. Our contributors have devoted countless hours building it up. Much of the site’s traffic in unique users comes from search engines directing them to the archives. The archives and the on-going discussions work in tandem to make the board successful.
So, I endorse any alternative that makes sense to the contributors and preserves the archives.
Glenn is from all evidence a capable fellow. The contributors appear to be coming to a consensus that Glenn’s full migration alternative (which includes full migration of the archives) makes sense. I agree.
I have confidence that Glenn will be an effective administrator. He has devoted much time in researching alternatives, time that I do not have. I have no reason to doubt his conclusions, but I am no expert – far from it.
Of course, change inevitably brings with it the possibility of unintended, undesirable consequences. I will do my best to support Glenn in transferring the site to him, but, from what I have seen, it may entail some tricky technical decisions and actions on my part.
The combination of the IT guy’s generosity, and my reluctance to drawn down our funds in what seemed like an almost futile and impossible effort to chase down endless bugs and usability problems with vBulletin, has left us with $1,245. The Siteground fees are due for renewal on September 10. Six months at $120/month would be $720. It appears we can avoid this expense if we can accomplish the full migration by September 10.
With a final consensus on Glenn’s full migration alternative, I am prepared to transfer $600 to Glenn immediately, with the remaining balance transferred to him when I am sure no further expenses, incurred during my time as Admin, might arise unexpectedly.