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Alternatives for this site's future

I gather the migration is a one-time non-recurring cost?

Both the initial license fee ($160-$215) and the migration fee ($175-$275) = ($335 - $490) are one time costs. After that, the annual web hosting costs and service costs should be lower than in recent past years, for the reasons I have elaborated.

I estimated an initial worst-case up front cost of approximately $525 by taking the top end of that one-time-cost range ($490) and adding the first month of web hosting ($39).
Thank you very much for all the time put into researching this, Glenn. Assuming your research is sound, and I'm in no position to argue, this sounds like a no-brainer to me. The costs for the full package seem very reasonable in comparison to what I imagined. I think the site would be badly crippled if we started over from scratch. I'm sure there would be a significant number of members who would never re-register. Not necessarily because they would be upset but just because it's easier to do nothing instead of something.

If there isn't enough money in the account for the full monty I'd happily donate.

I know the last couple months have been frustrating but the thought of it being nearly over, and having canoetripping on more solid footing for the future, is exciting!


I strongly support your full migration proposal, with you as the administrator. Only five hundred and twenty-five dollars is an unexpected very pleasant surprise. We have a little over 125 “Active Members,” which. If we share equally, is about $4.00 each. That’s beautifully inexpensive. Less than the cost of a beer at the pub. Put me down, and many thanks for all your work!

PS. I don’t go to the pub very much anymore. I would gladly, with alacrity, pick up the slack, for those who would prefer to drink one beer rather than support this marvellous forum.
Can the IT guy guarantee they can rescue Mcrea and restore his former glory? Cause right now I’m putting together a solo expedition to paddle/hike south from Altoona to find him but I have limited vacation days. I have one more round of food to dehydrate and I’m outta here.

Glenn, Thanks for your effort on this problem. I like the Driven2 Services plan, seems very affordable and just what we need to get back on track. Let us know where to send the funds if the decision is made to make the move.
Thanks Again.
I’m in too for the full migration I’ll gladly contribute when needed, I’d hate to see all the legacy information disappear. You’ve done an excellent job!!
I checked out the "endorsements page" of Xenforo https://driven2services.com/forum/ams/endorsements.3/ to see what different forums looked like. Some have ads, some don't. Some have different backgrounds. Lots of options.
I do think the pictures are different and one forum said they needed to be downsized and 400 x 400. If that's the case it's an issue. Most folks are not going bother downsizing to post a picture (see MYCCR, it's rare for people to post pictures there anymore) which hurts the site imo.
HERE is a thread on the Xenforo service forum with further testimonials to the migration and service work of Ken Payne (@MySiteGuy) at Driven 2 has done. The Xenforo service forum itself runs on Xenforo.

HERE and HERE are lists and examples of sites using Xenforo.

Of the sites I have a lot of experience with, I particularly like the way BushcraftUSA has implemented Xenforo. Lots of great pictures.

The XF software does not require a site to have ads, but gives the site many options to insert and implement paid ads if that's the way the site wants to raise revenue.
Since we all want to hear as much feedback as possible, here is an email I got from Mike McCrea this morning:


Glenn, while I cannot log on, post or read most of the sub-forums, I continue to be able to see the most recent page on Site Info.

Your investigations and explanations are great stuff, and great news. Especially that full migration is financially feasible. I was certain, based on zero research, that such migration would cost thousands of dollars.

There will undoubtedly be hiccups along the way, but migration of the site to Xenforo and Driven2 Services seems like a no-brainer.

I don’t know if it is possible, but Peter/Doug said that my old (now “Guest”) posts and new identity could be merged, so that those archived posts would be under one name. I would kick in additional funds, if reasonable, to cover the cost of that action.

Thanks for your considerable research and efforts, without which Canoe Tripping was truly

I just got an email from a member with over 3k posts saying he can’t log in but he’s on board with the Xenforo plan and appreciates Glenn stepping up. Halso he has a fist full of CDN cash to throw at the project!
I had great plans and hopes for this site. I have enjoyed my time as Admin, for the most part. I met new canoe friends, and learned a lot. My changed circumstances, however, require that I hand off the site.

My first priority is as custodian of the archives. Our contributors have devoted countless hours building it up. Much of the site’s traffic in unique users comes from search engines directing them to the archives. The archives and the on-going discussions work in tandem to make the board successful.

So, I endorse any alternative that makes sense to the contributors and preserves the archives.

Glenn is from all evidence a capable fellow. The contributors appear to be coming to a consensus that Glenn’s full migration alternative (which includes full migration of the archives) makes sense. I agree.

I have confidence that Glenn will be an effective administrator. He has devoted much time in researching alternatives, time that I do not have. I have no reason to doubt his conclusions, but I am no expert – far from it.

Of course, change inevitably brings with it the possibility of unintended, undesirable consequences. I will do my best to support Glenn in transferring the site to him, but, from what I have seen, it may entail some tricky technical decisions and actions on my part.

The combination of the IT guy’s generosity, and my reluctance to drawn down our funds in what seemed like an almost futile and impossible effort to chase down endless bugs and usability problems with vBulletin, has left us with $1,245. The Siteground fees are due for renewal on September 10. Six months at $120/month would be $720. It appears we can avoid this expense if we can accomplish the full migration by September 10.

With a final consensus on Glenn’s full migration alternative, I am prepared to transfer $600 to Glenn immediately, with the remaining balance transferred to him when I am sure no further expenses, incurred during my time as Admin, might arise unexpectedly.
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I also received a message from a Canadian member who can't log in but gives his full support to the full migration. I'm not sure if it's the same member that contacted Robin but this one says he'd even be willing to sell some of his SPAM collection to help out the site if need be.

Thanks to Dave and to all who have voiced support for the full migration plan. Dave consistently and insistently encouraged me to find such a plan to save the archives. I have seen enough positive feedback to accept the Xenforo administrator role, and to be cautiously optimistic that there are several other CTN member floating around in limbo to help with a "resurrection fundraiser" after Xenforo goes live.

Because of the hard financial deadline for a big payment to Siteground, which Dave reminded us of and which we certainly want to avoid, I think we have to act fast. So, I have just emailed Ken Payne at Driven 2 to ask for his recommenced migration and transition procedure, a schedule, and a finer point on the price ranges he gave the other day. Some of that depends on the size and nature of our database, which he can't measure exactly until he can see it. I'd ask DaveO if he can figure out whether the domain name fee is integrated into the Siteground fee or is paid to some other named registrar entity.

Of course, I'll report schedule back here before I lock in any payments, which I am going to personally front if I don't have membership funds in time.

Meanwhile, I'd still like to hear more members respond as they see this thread.
Full migration sounds good to me (in case that wasn't clear). I'll happily contribute, too. Double if we keep McCrea off the new site. ;)
I’m all for the migration of the site vs. anything that would cause a loss of the archives. I review a lot of past tech when making repairs, planning trips, and I still need to take time to make a a blue barrel table for both the 30L and 60L. I dont’ think I’d bother signing back up at this point if the past data from member contributions were lost (again).

I can and will chip in for whatever/whomever is administrating. I’ve always said from the beginning…l work and dont have time to help run a site, but i can certainly contribute money to someone who is retired or otherwise has the time and maybe not the extra income. The value of an administrators time is enough in my opinion, and the members can pitch in the necessary monetary value. I hope that DaveO continues to be an active member for a long time and that his health as well as the health of all the members allows us to keep paddling.

….and I’m glad Mike M is still out there in the periphery. I was set to use up the rest of my PTO to find him and bring him back. And, knowing that he may not want to be found as JRR T. once said, I even bought a taser gun to help him comply…because bear spray would be ineffective against his beard.

Yinz all need to keep paddling….it’s probably the healthiest activity anyone could endeavor to participate in, just ask another paddler.

Meanwhile, I'd still like to hear more members respond as they see this thread.

The full migration plan is my preference and I would contribute to help fund that effort and the ongoing costs of keeping the site online. I’m not sure how much image size drives storage costs so it has been my practice to shrink the size of my photos before I upload them. If image storage costs are meaningful, perhaps the new site software could help with ensuring images are sized in a thrifty manner.