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4/25 Farmington River, Connecticut paddle

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
April 25th Coldfeet, (David), Waterspyder(Ray) and I will be paddling the Farmington River from Riverton Ct. downstream to the take out at Satans Kingdom in New Hartford Ct
The exact start time is yet to be determined as a visit to the Demos Days and Sale at Collinsville Canoe in Collinsville Connecticut is planned for that morning.

So if anyone wants to join in a paddle down the beautiful Farmington (easy class 1 and 2) you are more than welcome.
Robin - Best of luck with your paddle tomorrow. We postponed our trip on the Susquehanna planned for tomorrow until next week. I'm hoping the week's delay will get us to better conditions. Right now it's snowing here in my part of central NY and I woke up this morning to a totally white environment. The temperatures aren't supposed to go above the low 40s today and we don't have wetsuits so we'll stay put on land for the time being. Looks like we'll have a few more hikes than originally planned.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

We had a good time, the water level was just right, temps cool but not bad, and the company fun. I didn't get alot of pictures but here's a few.

Ray and David at the put in with David's new to him Old Town Camper

Robin (left) and Ray at put in.

Robin at the LL Field (MR Explorer)

The boys had some nice wood paddles but opted for the aluminium plastic variety due to the rockiness of the river,


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Thanks Robin, we had a great time. I really appreciate your not including a picture of me taking my first swim of the year. After looking at the canoe when we reached David's house I'm adhearing to my statement that I kept the front end of the boat off most of the rocks. That's my story and I'm sticking to it; I can't explain the cause of any new scratches behind me.
It was a good time Ray I really enjoyed our time on the river and hanging out afterwards. A big Thanks for those Long Island bagels you boys brought up...been way too long they are the best!
Big THANK YOU to Robin for being a gracious host and river guide. I had a great time. In the first picture with you and Ray I'm sure the bet was on about when I was going to tip the boat over. If you bet under 10 miles you lost! I tipped it over around the 11 mile mark. Still wondering what the heck happened, seems like going backwards through some white water for a minute was a lot harder than that left turn. That would have been a cool picture. Ray a great job yelling out directions, can't wait to do it again. You know that it's always good to practice self rescues in a canoe, glad we got that over with. You should have seen us sneak the canoe in between my 2 cars into the garage before you know who saw it. Back to the real world, waaaa. For those of you near that river go check it out, clean, cool and pretty swift right now. PS I left blue marks on the rocks as a guide to stay away from! Be well.