Most Prospectors did not have a keel. That is part of what makes them appealing. Any keels would have been special order. Chestnut used standard "thin" keels and wide "shoe" keels.
I've read through old Chestnut catalogs and even posted links to one this past year, and they always had options for standard keels or shoe keels. Here is my post linking to a 1921 Chestnut catalog. See page 24 for the discussion of keel options.
Great find Robin! She sure is pretty! I think that the carrying yoke on this canoe makes perfect sense. I would be interested in something similar to replace my Chestnut Chum yoke.
I got to try out the Prospector in the North Maine Woods last week (Deboullie Public Lands). It handles well, Big canoe and no doubt not built for solo use but the lake was calm and I enjoyed paddling the canoe from the bow seat backwards. I’m thinking I might drop the seats an 1”, my SIL/grandson found it tippy.
Just seeing this thread now. Congrats on the new boat!
I feel your pain when it comes to carrying this model- my 16' foot Prospector weighs 85lb dry. It is not an easy carry...
Mine is 1971 vintage with standard keel; the planking and ribs look very similar condition-both were well cared for, it seems.
Good thing it was calm. Unladen my Prospector is a veritable sail when paddled solo in anything other than calm conditions.
Looks great Robin. My Garry is my main solo canoe. I love the depth of the Prospectors. I use an Azland leather seat just ahead of the rear thwart. It gives me the ability to paddle bow first. Good to see this one back on the water.
I'm going to take a look at this 17' Prospector today, while I don't need one, can't lift one, and don't have the room for one, I see no reason why I shouldn't buy it...(trying to get my "sell" right when my wife sees it on my truck )