• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Search results

  1. daveo4

    Summer of Overnighters

    I have developed an appreciation for big canoes this summer! Memaquay, do you know how much yours weighs? Dave
  2. daveo4

    Fall Stream - southern Adirondacks

    Snapper, What canoe are you paddling there? Dave
  3. daveo4

    156 miles on the Connecticut River

    The greatest part was meeting Robin face to face. He's a genuinely nice guy! AND he didn't seem to mind riding in a truck with a big Kevlar canoe on it. :)
  4. daveo4

    WCHA Annual Assembly at Paul Smiths NY July 15-19

    You can't pick them up! They weigh more than 25 pounds!!!!
  5. daveo4

    156 miles on the Connecticut River

    My buddy Ralph and I just finished a 10 day canoe trip on the longest river in New England, the 410 mile Connecticut, although we did the northern 156 miles. Robin had volunteered to do our shuttle which simplified the whole trip AND invited us to stay with him on the trip north from Maryland...
  6. daveo4

    WCHA Annual Assembly at Paul Smiths NY July 15-19

    Kim, dang!! Sorry to hear that. Hope you have a speedy recovery and are back on the water quickly. Best wishes, Dave
  7. daveo4

    Woodland Caribou P.P. in Ontario Canada

    Thanks, Marten. Enjoyed them. Regards, Dave
  8. daveo4

    Repairing cracked ribs

    Elegant solution. Karin. Very nicely done! Regards, Dave
  9. daveo4

    Finding a bear

    YC, I hear they don't hang their food at Bradley. :) Dave
  10. daveo4

    Free Fund raiser Window Stickers

    I already have mine on my car. Looks great!! Thanks, Robin. Dave
  11. daveo4

    Source for Quality Ottertail paddles?

    No Title I have a Badger ottertail in ash and love it.I ordered it right from the maker on the phone. I also made one a while ago in mahogany. The loom length should be the same as any other paddle you use but the longer blade length gives you a longer overall length. I carry a shorter blade...
  12. daveo4

    Finding a bear

    I just got back from a 10 day, 156 mile paddle down the Connecticut River starting a mile from the Canadian border. The only bear we saw was in Robin's backyard in Connecticut!!! TR to follow. Regards, Dave
  13. daveo4

    Dickison lake Outers Trip 2014

    http://gchs.sgdsb.on.ca/groups/gchs-outers Well, I notice that the school is a "composite" school. Too bad it isn't a "wood and canvas" school or a "stripper" school. No, I guess the last wouldn't pass muster. :) Great TR. Love seeing the kids having the adventure of doing this. Thanks for...
  14. daveo4

    A place for open canoes to run waterfall records

    You take a canoe and fill it up with airbags and it might not be an open canoe anymore. Just sayin'. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
  15. daveo4

    What is your greatest fear?

    l'oiseau, I used to carry anti-nausea suppositories when I skippered offshore sailboats. Dehydration from vomiting occurs rapidly and if you can't hold down oral meds these worked. I think they were prescription. I am leaving Friday for a 2 week canoe trip and my doctor prescribed some meds for...
  16. daveo4

    Canoetripping.net window stickers

    I like the 1st one a lot.
  17. daveo4

    5-Day Adirondack Adventure

    Thanks for the TR. There are worse ways to spend your time than paddling and exploring the ADKs! Regards, Dave
  18. daveo4

    Canoe video with Kevin Callan

    Murat, Thanks for that link. That canoe is put together just like a bark canoe. !/4" plywood seems a bit overkill. Wonder what it weighs?? Nice to know it can be done.
  19. daveo4

    Just ordered a SPOT II

    RPG51, When did you do the Thelon trip?
  20. daveo4

    Just ordered a SPOT II

    Incredible trip. I'd say trip of a lifetime but I hope not. :)