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WCHA Annual Assembly at Paul Smiths NY July 15-19

Most of those stents are made from Ti 6Al4V-ELI, a very bio compatible alpha-beta titanium alloy, and infused with Heparin.
Once again, here's hoping you'll have a full recovery and return to that busy lifestyle, Kim.
I can only echo all your other friends here in dismay that this happened to you, but take heart that it seems that you're making progress. Maybe it's a good idea to slow down just a little bit for now.
I always thought that if something desperate happened to you it would come from fiddling around all those alligators! There may be a slight delay, but I suspect before long they'll have their chance again. Now there's a question: if an alligator was distressed over all this, would he cry crocodile tears?

If it's not being intrusive, please keep us in the loop on your progress. It's only reasonable to expect that ignorance will breakout like a poison ivy rash without your magic touch at finding things on the internet; get better SOON, we need you!

Very Best Wishes, Rob
And probably expensive. My enzymes are uncooperative and they are keeping me. I wish I could be at the Paddleby and Salute but tis not to be. Thank you all for your well wishes
I hope you recover well regardless of how long it takes. Don't push it. Christine's was 3 1/2 months ago and she is still far from her old self, although she never will be. Just take care and enjoy each day with a new vision.
In my case damage was minimal. I have to rest for two weeks with light walking and not lifting.. but I am told in six weeks I ought to be doing more than I was before I came here. Ergo longer walks and back on the water.. But no solo trips into the far bush yet. Its odd that the hospital is one of the top cardiac units in the country and the staff has a high incidence of paddlers. When I talk about paddling they understand. The hospital is smack dab in the middle of canoe country.

I have been given green light for Allagash trip if I go as a non portageur. in six weeks and nothing changes. Canada is out as my health care wont cover much that I might need at this time.

I think my reason for going slow in the past was cause my heart was oxygen starved and I didn't know it. I am lucky as I might well be better than before.

Hmmmm the alligator and the crocodile tears... I have to go back to Florida to find one... The best we can do in the North is a misplaced python in New Jersey in Lake Hopatcong.

What I learned is that you can almost have a heart attack and not have resultant damage if caught early. 15 mm long almost total blockage of the Left Anterior Descending aka the Widowmaker. Got to the cath lab in time and the same day. If I had waited a day later I would be posting from somewhere above either heavenly or hot.. In my case I didn't have no damage but just almost none.. Others have more damage even if they don't wait for treatment. Everyone is different and there are no hard and fast rules you can make from case to case.

So think about those devices that can pluck you out in time to get you fixed.cause even if you do everything right in your lifestyle bad stuff can happen.. I didn't fall in that category, but some do.

I ve been told I won't set off metal detectors.. We'll see eventually.
I left Paul Smiths this morning and had heard Thrusday evening that one of Yellowcanoes classes was canceled on Fiday, I didn't know why till yesterday afternoon I was told she was in the hospital, but no real details where given to me. We spoke briefly when I checked into the assembly, planned to catch up later but I got busy doing my thing.

Sorry to hear this YC, it sounds like the prognosis is good, hope healing process is quick and hope to see ya back paddling real soon.
I am lucky as I might well be better than before.

I think there's no doubt about it. Before, you were living in ignorance with a 94% blockage in the Widowmaker. Now, you have an unblocked artery. You are much, much better off physically. There is always a chance of restenosis, but I assume that can be monitored. Your biggest battle may be mental--to not let "I've got heart disease" thoughts interfere with your life. Easy for someone else to say, I know.

Canada is out as my health care wont cover much that I might need at this time.

If you have a Medicare Advantage plan with little or no foreign travel coverage, you might want to look into the Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans for next year instead. Some have foreign travel coverage within limits.

The best we can do in the North is a misplaced python in New Jersey in Lake Hopatcong.

The latest word is that it's a green anaconda.
I was back at Assembly in time to see all still there and to attend the auction.. I saw something I had never seen before. A gal wanted a packbasket pretty full of neat stuff pretty bad.. She bid and bid and bid.. I think she lost track of the amount.. A certain guy next to her kept mouthing "Stop".. Finally he took her bid paddle away and put it on the far side of his seat.

Nice work Cronje! Did you save to bid on the beautiful Robertson?

I might have over did it... running back and forth on the Green trying to catch up with all.. It felt GOOD! Now to bed. I found out that the stent-angioplasty club is by no means exclusive. Its got lots of members. I heard some dozen war stories trying to get to the auction.

I bid at the auction and got a signed Bill Mason print..Becky signed it on the back.
I was back at Assembly in time to see all still there and to attend the auction.

That's pretty amazing. Cleaned the pipe and back at it. I criticize modern medicine a lot, but it's great when it works.

I'm headed up that way tomorrow morning. I hope it's calmed down up there - I need some peace and quiet...

I'll see y'all next week - no more heart attacks!
Its pretty peaceful. Even in Lake Placid.. We went out to dinner w/o reservations and the place, usually jammed on a Saturday, was quite empty. The site across Lower St Regis is all open....
OMG Kim. That whole story has a familiar ring to it....I especially like the happy ending though. Regardless of how you feel, do take it easy and allow yourself to heal properly. Watch the meds too, they tend to want to overdose you to err on the safe side and it causes all sorts of inconvenient side effects. I had to adjust mine quite a bit.
Walking, yes. I am actually running a bit again so many things are possible if one puts a plan in place. I have managed one overnight trip with karin so its not as bad as a lot of people end up. Being fit in the first place makes recovery much faster. Make no mistake though...you are on the mend, you need to keep that in mind. ( I know, look who's talking).
I find that it is not so much the short intense activities as the long drawn out ones that get me worn out...no stamina any more. And I need to take frequent rests. I am back to work though and handling it pretty well so far.

I hear what you are saying about Spot's, SAT phones and such. I see that as a requirement now for me to do any tripping. Not so much for me but for the crew at home. They would ALL be in hospital by the time I got back...lol. It looks like a super lightweight solo is going to have to happen also. Watch for some very out of the box solution there...I hate to follow the pack.

Keep well and I am sorry that this had to happen but glad that you came through it so well.
Welcome to the club.

YC- I'm pretty new here, but feel I need to wish you blessings on getting better. This is a great little community we have here. We need to build each other up when someone falls.
I hope for a speedy and complete recovery for you.
God Bless,
Now back to getting Karin and Christine to an Assembly..I think you guys would love it. Not hard to drive to Montreal and pick you up. It seems that Paul Smiths might be a permanent home for Assembly.

Its the airfare that's the killer ..six hundred bucks apiece, even for Westjet. You can camp for ten dollars a night at Assembly.
We've considered it, but I only get 3 weeks vacation each year and I like to spend that paddling as much as possible. So far, I haven't done a boat yet which is Assembly worthy. Maybe once I get the Morris done I will have something to take down, but I would hate to show off my less than stellar work thus far.

Perhaps when I retire in 27 years I will get down to one.
Worthy of assembly?... I bring my stuff and it is pretty rough. Every job looks better than the last and that progress is good enough for me. Folks there are more helpful than competitive. I also learn a lot there. This year they canvassed two canoes.
Kim, did you see that the pack basket brought over $300.00!!! I did bid the Robertson to over $3000.00 and gave up. That beautiful Chestnut Pal w/sailing rig went for $85.00. I should have brought that one home as I do not have a Pal.
Next year....Cronje
Yup.. I forget the amount when you"banned" P..

How much did the Robertson go for?... Sigh...I think the medical center took all my money.. That was one beautiful boat. With long decks and barely a crescent of caned bow seat visible, my hubby became less interested.

None of us two have a can eight inches across.

Bet P was shooting you dagger eyes as you bid up on the Robertson.. Maybe letting it go was wise..

What do you do to care for your wood canvas boats in Florida?

The Assembly is on at Paul Smiths next year July 14-19.

I agree... the atmosphere is learning and doing under the eye of more experienced restorers. No question is too trivial. There is no competitition even among professional builders.

Jim enjoyed watching the canvassing of your boat. Now he is more confident as he moves forward on our utility Robertson.