• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. A

    Inherited strip canoe on mold mid build. Stripping started at the football and moved toward gunwales?

    I'd be concerned about those oil stains as well. Not so much from aesthetics but from adhesion. I'd soak the areas with acetone and then rub it with fairly aggressive sandpaper for starters. Alan
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    plastic staples

    I used them for half a build. I did not like them and switched to metal staples to finish it. They're thicker than metal staples and had more of a tendency to blow out the back of the strips. This would push the strips away from the form. They tended to split the narrow strips if placed...
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    Wood identification.

    That close up of the face grain still looks a bit like soft maple to me but that doesn't jive with you saying it has open grain. The end grain looks like it was cut with a chainsaw so not much help. :) When looking at end grain you're usually looking for the presence (and size) of rays, pores...
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    Wood identification.

    How a bout a close up of clean end grain? A close up of the face would be nice too. From here it looks like some of the cheap mahogany I've used but I can't tell for sure. https://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/mahogany-mixups-the-lowdown/ Alan
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    Resin, Hardener Age

    There was a thread about this a few years ago. As I recall, the info received from manufacturers, was that for all intents and purposes there is not a shelf life on resin and hardener, though the hardener might darken considerably. I've used stuff that was at least 7 years old with no issue...
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    Oopsie moments, or at least almost "oopsie"?

    Trying to pull a canoe up a small drop. Stern got hung up on a rock slightly sideways and I couldn't push it back to restart. Water was nearly rushing over the gunwale. I couldn't lift the bow any higher. Footing was on the edge of a drop so I couldn't pull it up farther. I gave one last heave...
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    Review of Rhéaume 16' Explorer

    My homebuilt composite canoes show the same thing and I've always wondered why. I fit my foam float tanks after the gunwales were installed. They were fit properly and epoxied/fiberglassed into place. Later I noticed the slight indentation showing from the outside. It's almost like they shrunk...
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    Outdoor confidence

    I'd guess almost all of us started off by getting in over our heads and biting off more than we could chew. Some people get discouraged and some people use that as a platform to learn more and improve. The BWCA seems like a good place to start for a newbie. Alan
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    Ashes Solo Trip build

    It happens. If it was on the bottom of the hull in a high wear area I might add more epoxy but most of the time I just ignore them and they disappear with the application of whatever top coat you choose to use. Alan
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    Paddling in the wind, which way do you lean?

    Padding relatively narrow solo canoes I've never done much leaning while paddling in normal circumstances. There are times I will lean away from a heavy beam wind to better deflect waves but otherwise I tend to keep it level unless I'm actively turning. I do adjust trim in beam winds so the...
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    A Short BWCA trip, with a stripper, Cedar that is

    Pick Sadie up on your way North. She likes grouse and is good at spotting them. She'd love it. Alan
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    Writer Looking for Canoe Info/Stories

    Or the start of the Au Sable canoe race:
  13. A

    Shooting Wolves in Defense of Pets

    Wolves and firearms. Again off topic and again contentious. Please try and keep posts somewhat on the topic of canoe tripping. I can certainly relate to what you experienced a couple weeks ago and I can understand why you're exploring these avenues and that you have questions and concerns. I...
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    Packing a Handgun for Wolves

    While we don't have a hard and fast rule about staying on topic this is off topic and can be a touchy subject. Before it devolves any further I'm going to lock this thread. Alan
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    Canoe ident- need help this is located in quebec there are no markings odd floor pattern any thoughts? Only pics i could get…

    While you're asking width and length would be good to know as well. And more pictures showing different parts of the hull.
  16. A

    Canoe ident- need help this is located in quebec there are no markings odd floor pattern any thoughts? Only pics i could get…

    Any idea what the exterior of the hull is made from? Does the exterior share the same pattern as the interior?
  17. A

    Canoe ident- need help this is located in quebec there are no markings odd floor pattern any thoughts? Only pics i could get…

    Hopefully someone will recognize the floor pattern but otherwise there just isn't much to go on. I can't even tell if that floor pattern magic marker or if it's the actual material making that pattern. Alan
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    Thinking of making a carbon fiber paddle...

    You could measure the thickness of a ZRE paddle at the edge where there is no foam. You know there at least 2 layers there (I suspect that's all there is). Then compare that thickness to the thickness of dry carbon cloth. It would be a starting point. It would make sense to me that if ZRE...
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    'new' Bell Morningstar

    I'd say that will be plenty strong. Since it's an asymmetrical hull have you considered removing the front and center seats and then adjusting the position of the rear seat forward? This would be the same effective position as paddling in the bow seat backwards but the rocker would not be...