I paddle a Northstar Trillium pack in Blacklite E6 and it is a very comfortable/stable boat to paddle. I mainly day trip and found that when I went from a 230 cm to a 250 cm paddle it was a substantial gain in speed.
I just leave my key fob on top of my wallet in a drawer. Shouldn’t drive your car without you drivers license and some cash/credit card. When I paddle the key fob goes into my dry bag.
I have always used a Bag Lady canoe cover on my canoes. Red Leaf Design makes a beautiful cover, that’s what I cover my Blacklite Northstar Trillium with. I always towel dry my boat off before I cover it, toweling it off also makes sure there is no sand/dirt on the boat before covering it.
A pack canoe would be a better choice. You sit low in the boat, like a kayak, you can carry gear, pets, etc. with greater accessibility, very efficient with either a double or single blade paddle and much lighter than a solo canoe or kayak.
I made my spreader bars out of plastic conduit that I purchased at the local hardware store. Cut them to length and thread your strapping, rope, etc. through them and mount to the rafters, I used eye bolts.
I can’t believe with over 2,000 subscribers that it is taking this long for people to step up. This forum has no advertising popping up and it’s purely about canoeing.
Go to etrailer.com and input you truck information and they will have several front receivers, the also offer roof rack and goal post for you truck. That is the best way to carry a canoe while towing your 5th wheel trailer.