Christmas is fast approaching but I was able to carve this paddle out of cherry. It is for the kitchen, stirring those big pots of chowder or stew or whatever.

It’s about 18” Long and I think 2 1/4” wide and just shy of 3/8” thick at the hand grip. I’ve made a bunch of simpler versions of this for years with a square paddle and a straight handle and every one loves them, Lidia the cookbook author and tv chef is getting one this year from my sister in law.
Any others make Christmas gifts for their paddling friends?

It’s about 18” Long and I think 2 1/4” wide and just shy of 3/8” thick at the hand grip. I’ve made a bunch of simpler versions of this for years with a square paddle and a straight handle and every one loves them, Lidia the cookbook author and tv chef is getting one this year from my sister in law.
Any others make Christmas gifts for their paddling friends?