Hey fellow paddlers––I'm the guy behind
SlackSeat. I just discovered this thread today and wanted to join the conversation (albeit late).
Thanks to
@scratchypants for sharing the link to my website and starting the conversation.
I went through a pile of iterations before landing on the one pictured above. I took the finished product to a Canadian-style paddling event, and in a group of about 50 paddlers, I sold my first 10 units. Since then, I've been surprised at the response in sales both on SlackSeat.com and COEC.
I'm working on the next iteration. It's helpful to read contentions. Everyone has their own paddling style, and not all knees and ankles are created equal. Overall, the response from people who have
used SlackSeat has been validating. I have a few customers asking when I'll have stock again so they can order for students taking their ORCKA Basic Solo course.
Okay, but is SlackSeat as good as it
could be?
I spent some time this afternoon thinking about
@Glenn MacGrady's comments above, and it got me fiddling with straps and drawing pictures and considering how I could provide a little more customization to deal with the current catch-22. I have some ideas, but here's the tension:
SlackSeat is designed for solo paddlers who want to
lean when they paddle. To provide comfort when paddling with the canoe heeled over, the paddling side of the seat "wants" to be as close to the gunnel as possible. I enjoy heeling my 16' Swift Algonquin to the point of nearly taking a sip of water over the gunnel. SlackSeat works great for this, and I think it's going to work even better on my next iteration.
But what to do when you want to paddle with less of a heel and sit centred? In my Swift, I can sit centered on SlackSeat no problem––I've designed the seat to be wide enough to accommodate that shift for someone with my sized arse (I'm not sure of the exact measurements of my arse). Sure, the seat itself is still closer to the paddling side, but the paddler can sit centered. The trade-off? In a more narrow canoe, you run out of strap a little sooner than you would in a wider canoe.
I'm eager for the spring thaw and will shoot more videos and photos to show SlackSeat in action. For now, at the end of
this video you can see me shift towards the centre of the canoe.
Looking forward to more discussions, and please feel free to drop me a line with any questions or suggestions!