• Happy Birthday, Chuck Berry (1926-2017)! 🎸

Photo of the day

The weather has been strange here this year.
Wow. That photo is impressive!

The southern half of the state is getting overwhelmed with rain but the north has had a real spring with clouds, timely rains, & gorgeous evenings as apposed to the past number of years going from hard winter to excessively hot, dry, & windy in the matter of a week. Bugs are in full bloom.
Great photo.
Is anyone else getting the feeling of cold rain just starting to somehow find it's way down the back of your neck?
It's going right for your wine keg. What caliber did you use?
That’s actually a composter, not a wine keg. If it had been the latter I would have loaded up my trusty .308, which as yet, has never shot anything other than inanimate paper or tin targets. We need to be tested in real life, drink or die scenarios.
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