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Permethrin, Picaridin & Light Colored Clothes: A Winning Combo

I just received 32 oz of Martin's Permethrin, primarily for my horses and their run ins. I need to dilute 8oz to 6.25 gals of water to spray for flies and use caution when spraying..

The instructions say to "avoid contact skin, eyes or clothing. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse."

Am I missing something or is this stuff safe.

Then again, they told me agent orange was harmless and today I'm a 100% diasabled VN vet as a direct result of AO.
Liquid form is bad for you, cats and a lot of other stuff, Dry is ok. Wouldn't like to be spraying it in an enclosed space.

Going back twenty years in the UK they switched form dipping (for flies) sheep with some really nasty orgochlorine pesticides to using permethrin based sprays, much less toxic to farmers. Unfortunately the diluted permethrin is super toxic to aquatic life. Farmers would often dump the used contents of the dip tank int the nearest ditch or the freshly treated sheep would run down to the creek to drink. Resulted in huge numbers of dead fish.
Information campaign, few high profile prosecutions an a switch to wiping, later the problem looks to be mostly sorted.

Wear gloves, Tyvek coveralls and a mask!. If you can wipe or brush it on try that. Better still get someone else to do it. Dont wash your sprayer down the drain!
Not to beat a dead horse, but, why would they say wash "contaminated clothing" if it's harmless when it dries? Overkill in the CMA department I guess. I'll pass just the same, or better yet, I'll just go in August when the bugs are all but gone.
Managed risk Robin. The dried permethrin is better than Lyme. It is also likely no worse than slathering yourself in Deet, which we all do. I can grasp why you would be a bit gunshy about using a sketchy chemical though. I got home last trip and left my paddling clothes in a pile downstairs and when I went back after my shower it reminded me of when we used to do our gas hut training with tear gas or CS. From the bug spray.

I soak my pants but not my shirts...ticks are in the grass eh.

Like you, I dont trip much in the summer now, preferring spring and fall.

deerfly tape works! one half days catch.


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Doing the Steel river starting next Sat. Already soaked all my clothes in Permethrin . After reading this I might go back and soak my hat now though( only sprayed that ) and swap out one of my t shirts for a white one and soak it. Will bring Deet, Picardin, Deer fly strips, and thermacells as well. Debating on the bug tent.
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Not to beat a dead horse, but, why would they say wash "contaminated clothing" if it's harmless when it dries? Overkill in the CMA department I guess. I'll pass just the same, or better yet, I'll just go in August when the bugs are all but gone.

That does make one wonder.
Bad in the water.
But ok when dry
I have only used permethrin once and that was Sawyers already dilute
Picardin seems to be replacing DEET in spray as needed products
The nice thing about khaki workshirts and pants is the tight weave so tou need only bugproof your wrists hands neck (bandana) and ankles and hairline ( inside of hat)
The humidity broke yesterday afternoon, right after I'd sweated my way through pruning overgrown shrubs and roses, and right after a sudden thunderstorm cracked open the sky and deluged us with cool cool rain. Like any summer storm it came and went within an hour, such that by evening we were sitting on the back porch counting the backyard butterflies. It was then a neighbour strolled into the yard for a chit chat. She was thanking my wife for once again mowing the strip of lawn between her front drive and wherever our property line runs. She struggles some days to mow the lawn so we simply oblige by ignoring whatever patch of grass is whose, what's my weeds are your weeds and vice versa, and cut it all no problem. Anyway she was thankful and we said not to worry. By way of thanks she gave my wife a little pump bottle of bug spray she'd bought at a lavender farm near here. (They also make wine, but we were both too shy to point out the benefits of grape juice over bug juice). After our friendly neighbour left we decided to try out the new product. Actually, I wasn't all that keen but she insisted. There were no ingredients listed at all. None whatsoever. It smelled of a faintly familiar odour we couldn't quite put our finger on. Tea tree oil and lemon balm? She liked it but I wasn't a fan of smelling like a bath boutique. It was then she brought out the cavalry, being a large scented candle in the shape of Goddess Diana's bust. (Her head, not, you know.) Things were getting rather la-di-da lovely on our back porch, she sipping white wine and me sipping black tea, she admiring the dainty perfume and me wiping my smoke filled eyes. And then the mosquitoes showed up to the porch party. After nearly a dozen slaps to myself I called the whole thing off. It was just in time too, before I was to be treated to a pedicure. She still insists her scented attack on nature works just fine, there were no bugs bugging her, but me I'm not so sure. I'll stick to Picaridin. I won't smell pretty but it works.
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Nice way of avoiding being chastised by Bothwell Voyagur. He is critical of me of something I wrote about a big bust (her boobs, not you know). Enjoy that back porch, days are starting to get shorter. At our Latitude we have already lost one hour and twenty minutes since the summer solstice.
Oh don't go all fatalist on me and say summer's almost over. Not yet Birchy. There's still some bug season left, enough for everybody.
Although it has been a truly weird spring and summer here in these neck of the woods. Almost, dare I say it, nearly normal, like it used to be when we were young. Was that so long ago? (That's a rhetorical question not to be taken seriously.) Spring started cool and very wet, changing ever so slightly to mild and rather wet, and only just warming up to temperate and moist. Can the saying "In like a lamb out like a lion" be used for springtime as well? We're into the muggy buggy days of summer here and it's good, as in normally good. Don't forget to pack the bug spray. My bottle of picaridin sits on the window sill. Diana in her statuary waxy form sits solemnly between our two Muskoka/Adirondack chairs on the back porch just beyond the creaky screen door. Layers. I believe in layers of protection. Firstly clothing, of some sort. Secondly spray, of some sort. Thirdly (for her) a Goddess of the heady scented variety, and lastly a screen door for when we need to make a hasty retreat...just as the dusk settles and the fireflies come out. And yet more, I came across a newly hatched dragonfly perched on my garden shed yesterday. Amazing! Especially considering the only water in my yard are bird baths.
Happy summer! (Despite the bugs.)
no skeeters no deerflies
Blackflies and beach hornets! got stung launching boats!
No heat. lotsa rain
16 degrees.
Thats all