I have a friends MRC Freedom Solo and Mohawk Scamp coming into the shop in a few weeks, and it appears that 54 to 57 inch end floatation bags will transfer well from canoe to canoe between those two models.
All I can find at NRS is their nylon Infinities.
https://www.nrs.com/product/42089 l/nrs-canoe-3-d-long-solo-float
Freaking Christ on a crutch, $96 bucks a bag? The Scamp was a fixer-upper freebie, no way in hell the owner is laying out another 200 bucks just for floatation.
Plus every NRS Infinity bag I have bought has failed at the fill-tube to bag connection. My cheaper, heavier-duty vinyl bags are all still going strong, even after years of outside in-canoe rack storage and abusive cartopping to the Carolinas or Adirondacks with bags in place.
Screw that lightweight float bag nonsense, who the hell cares about an extra pound of float bag weight at each end? Heavy duty vinyl coated bags!
I need to find a source for 54 inch to 57inch vinyl solo canoe end bags at a more reasonable price.
Any ideas for a best price US on-line provider?
All I can find at NRS is their nylon Infinities.
https://www.nrs.com/product/42089 l/nrs-canoe-3-d-long-solo-float
Freaking Christ on a crutch, $96 bucks a bag? The Scamp was a fixer-upper freebie, no way in hell the owner is laying out another 200 bucks just for floatation.
Plus every NRS Infinity bag I have bought has failed at the fill-tube to bag connection. My cheaper, heavier-duty vinyl bags are all still going strong, even after years of outside in-canoe rack storage and abusive cartopping to the Carolinas or Adirondacks with bags in place.
Screw that lightweight float bag nonsense, who the hell cares about an extra pound of float bag weight at each end? Heavy duty vinyl coated bags!
I need to find a source for 54 inch to 57inch vinyl solo canoe end bags at a more reasonable price.
Any ideas for a best price US on-line provider?