• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Photo of the day

Morning walk, afternnon paddle, evening walk


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Our Prime Minister may be more comfortable in canoes than kayaks... he had some difficulty with entry recently while touring a west coast national park, falling out, and another victim of a huge risk associated with kayak travel, the dreaded wet bum syndrome.



Maybe someone thought that their Prime Minister deserved to have a softer, thicker seat than normal and it raised his center of gravity causing the flip. It happened to me at the same distance from shore when my seat cushion was too thick.
If you notice, the guy doesn't have a paddle... Doing an entry or exit w/o a paddle is more challenging... And really since you will need the paddle to go anywhere it might be worth having on hand to brace your self to start with!
Some late summer native flowers from Southern Ontario, SE of Algonquin park... white New England asters and pink Joe Pye weed on a creek bank running through a wetland. Lots of rain this year has made for some especially luxuriant growth.


Some of the red maple leaves are already changing color, as they always do this time of year.

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Sweeper... the white flowers are an aster with the pink flowers JPW... I called it New England aster since it's common here and didn't take the time to examine it closely. Since it's growing in a wet area and NEA prefers dry ground it may well be another species.... maybe purple-stemmed aster, but it does look very similar to the white-flowered asters growing nearby in dry soil. I'll take the time for closer ID next time in the area, with rubber boots.

Hm... redoleary's spectacular milky way photo... what have I taken recently that can match it?
OK, maybe not as grand in scale, still... several days ago a large area of dry, cool, northern air flowed in, to replace a humid, damp low... a northern high. This coincided with sunset for some nice color looking east over to downtown Toronto and Lake Ontario with the departing low lit by the setting sun.

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Camping in the UP of Michigan last weekend ... first time I convinced my 5 year old to go for a paddle with just the two of us. She liked sitting in front a lot more than in the middle. :)


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This oddity was found at the Falls on the Chukuni River just upstream of the hwy 105 bridge. Likely not usually seen but the water was really low this year so it was visible. Of what I could gather of local history and speaking with a long time resident, back when gold was discovered in Red Lake and before the road was put in, they used to ship cargo up to the mines with barges behind small tugs which originated in Hudson, Ontario at the rail yard, then moved up Lac Seul, portaged at Ear Falls then tugged up Pakwash Lake to the Chukuni River, and portaged across several falls and rapids and finally getting into Red Lake.

I thought this to be really cool. Extra wide on the rails and the ties are full trees. Have to wonder why they are still intact with being underwater for 80 years. I can only guess if they unloaded the cargo and wheeled it over the port or if the entire barges were moved up and downstream. Next year when we go up there I want to wander in the bush and see if there is further equipment abandoned in the bush in that area.


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This was the end of some early morning fishing on Canoe Lake in the BWCA. From August 14th of this year. Big dog, bigger canoe.


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Sweeper, wrt to your earlier question several posts up... (white-flowered Boneset)... I returned to the creek wetland to check out the plants, with ID book this time.... the white flowered plants are most likely Flat-Topped White Aster, and definitely not New England aster (or Boneset). For some deluded reason I had been calling the asters here NEA without taking the time to identify them. Flat-Topped White Aster often grows with Joe Pye Weed here with both preferring wet areas.

Also, with blue flowers was some Swamp Aster, aka Purple-Stemmed Aster and in the dry areas, Heart-leaved Aster also with blue flowers. But no New England Aster at all which is supposed to be common here, along with several other species.

Anyway, the photo from the same place as above with Joe Pye Weed no longer in it's former pink glory and going to seed, and the red maples going redder, mid-Sept vs mid-August. Maples starting to change color now and the reminders are out that Algonquin Park fall color viewing time is due soon with busloads of photographers lining the highway.

Wow, lots of great pictures here (lots of busted links, too, unfortunately).

I noticed that some photos are displayed as small thumbnails that have to be clicked to be viewed at full size, while others already appear full size in the body of the message. So far, I've only figured out how to post them so they show up as thumbnails. What's the procedure for getting the pictures to show up full size in the message?
What's the procedure for getting the pictures to show up full size in the message?

With Firefox or Chrome running on Windows, for any picture on the internet, I just right click on it and "Copy Image" and then paste it in the comment box here with "Control-V".

I don't know how to do the thumbnails. Don't want to know either. I prefer inserting photos in the text where they are most


without requiring the reader to click.
With Firefox or Chrome running on Windows, for any picture on the internet, I just right click on it and "Copy Image" and then paste it in the comment box here with "Control-V".

I don't know how to do the thumbnails. Don't want to know either. I prefer inserting photos in the text where they are most


without requiring the reader to click.

That makes sense, but does it mean the only way to get your own pictures to appear full-sized in the body of a post is to upload the images to some subscription-based internet image-hosting service and then link to them? I presume lapsed subscriptions are the reason for all those busted links in this thread.
I use Google photos as one source to save my pics, it makes it pretty easy to post your own pics. Just click on photo, then right click copy image then come here and paste it here.
