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Moose Bow Canoe ripped in 2

Mar 16, 2016
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Lawrence, Ma
I just got home from my Moose Bow trip tonight one of the people in my group had stay back and saw a Discovery canoe get ripped in 2 at mosquito rapids. People were going to help them to Spencer rips there is a road there. He said they were from Florida. When I got to the take out an immigration officer was there and we told them and they were going to contact the right people. Wasn't some from Florida on this site talking about doing the trip this weekend
Yes Kayak Ken who asked for portaging advice. I've been over Mosquito a few times and my head is wondering WTF happened. Its not a hard rip especially at high water But I was not there this last few days. I have ergo no idea what happened..nor why.

along the same lines we did this section of the Saco last week.. And I have a hard time imagining why any of this happened. Especially the ejection of two rescuers.
Nothing makes sense. Mile 8 is two miles north of Walkers Bridge. Its an easy going but moving section. Walkers Falls is another seven miles downstream. Its possible to hit a snag. .. but nothing makes sense to me.

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There was some wood on river left but I still had to go river left and cuts to river right. If he went straight through he might have hit the rock in the middle that looks like a wave. The fact that he broke the boat in to I have to talk more to my friend that was there. My friend told us to notify someone because he was stranded at Spencer
To rip a three-layer poly canoe in half pretty much requires that it be pinned on something unmovable in at least moderately strong current IME.
We did a portion of the Moose River trip last week. The water was higher than I had ever seen it, but it was manageable. A friend of mine hit that rock once hard and head on with a wood and canvas canoe and suffered no damage to the canoe. Wood and Canvas eats up Royalex!
Mosquito Rips:


I just heard back from the guy who was there it was a Mad River explore that broke . There was a bigger pile of wood on river left and a lot more water. Here is more info This is what my friend said " he lowered it the first little ledge then got in trying not to get wet, the eddy force drew him right into the wave side surf style and flipped him into the rock in the center of the rapid breaching the explorer. his friend paddled right into a tree hanging into the river and he swam too"
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Wow... Sometime you wonder why people do what they do.... Kayak paddle :rolleyes:....
My 9 year old would have gone down that w/o any problems what so ever...
WOW! My friend may have been overly excited catching up with up to notify someone but the boat is almost torn in half. Sunday Attean was like glass I would hate to try and cross it in that boat with 2 -3 foot swells. He must have been nervous running Attean falls I have to repair one of my kevlar boats I had loaned to friend and they smack the rock at the end of Attean fall on river left. I will post video on You tube later https://youtu.be/ANHLP04bFs0
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Its not nice to assume other peoples skills. Scott B has paddle skills. He is hardly a newbie. And he is not from Florida though Kayak Ken is.. Lets get the story straight before we blabber all over paddledom.
And if you want to share a link to FB make the FB post public. If you want to keep it private that is quite understandable but the link is no use here. Whether or not he ran Attean Falls is hardly germane; he has some judgment.

Just to comment on the video. Those are Europeans.. just to avoid getting parties mixed up.

Of course after years of paddling everyone is perfect.. No? Well not here anyway.
Another word of caution: There is now a bridge out on the road into Spencer Rips so if anyone is attempting any sort of rescue, better have an ATV. This is also a consideration when traveling the NFCT.
Its not nice to assume other peoples skills. Scott B has paddle skills. He is hardly a newbie. And he is not from Florida though Kayak Ken is.. Lets get the story straight before we blabber all over paddledom.
And if you want to share a link to FB make the FB post public. If you want to keep it private that is quite understandable but the link is no use here. Whether or not he ran Attean Falls is hardly germane; he has some judgment.

Just to comment on the video. Those are Europeans.. just to avoid getting parties mixed up.

Of course after years of paddling everyone is perfect.. No? Well not here anyway.

I didn't assume anyone's skills in fact I edited out the my friends comments. Mosquito Rips was not that easy Sunday there was a lot of wood on the left I was nervous running it that center rock has taken out a lot of canoes. Only reason I brought up Attean falls is that is tricking and the water was pushing pretty good into the center rock and paddling a canoe with 2 big duct tape holes would be scary and the canoe I loaned which is kevlar smack into the rock at the end on river left and I need to do some repair to in and the video was just to give reference to it and I will post it on you tube later
Just to comment on the video. Those are Europeans.. just to avoid getting parties mixed up..

Doesn't matter if they're European, Asian, African or Martian for that matter. They were careless and not too smart!!! Just extremely lucky.

With the introduction of that video, there are now two topics in this thread. I'm not usually the brightest bulb in the pack but I'm not having much difficulty keeping them seperated.
sorry I was so harsh JoeO.
Now as for those rips, last time I was there the water was so high that they weren't there! I do remember slipping and flailing around on the rocks when we had a Golden Retreiver we were trying to unload and load to walk across the flat slimy rocks several years ago. But last time the Attean Lake Parking Lot was flooded ( not my car) and I don't remember ANY rips.


Canoe people are good people as Scott said in his FB thread.

Speaking of things changing, the young lady who drowned at mile 8 on the Saco was found today under 8 feet of water. It was a stretch of water we did ten days ago. There were some strainers then that were easily avoidable but then there were some intense rains right before her canoe accident. How fast things can change! That may be part of the allure of canoeing.
WOW! My friend may have been overly excited catching up with up to notify someone but the boat is almost torn in half. Sunday Attean was like glass I would hate to try and cross it in that boat with 2 -3 foot swells. He must have been nervous running Attean falls I have to repair one of my kevlar boats I had loaned to friend and they smack the rock at the end of Attean fall on river left. I will post video on You tube later https://youtu.be/ANHLP04bFs0

This is called a fall? it's barely a rapid, more of a riffle if people get in trouble in that kind of stuff, they certainly don't belong there.
I was resisting replying to this thread, but it’s been a weird couple weeks of sundry friend’s boating mishaps. All of who I know to be more competent paddlers than I.

Friend #1, an accomplished whitewater paddler, pinned a boat in a strainer. Pinned it atop a kayak that had been pinned and abandoned stuck in place. His canoe wasn’t coming out, and while it was stuck another party arrived to pin one of their canoes atop that increasing pile.

That’s a three boat stack. Friend # 1”s wallet and car keys were securely stuck inside the meat of that sandwich. Securely and inaccessibly stuck. Not good.

Could have been worse, they got the boats off eventually with some help from the NPS. Who were doing a body recover nearby. Could have been a lot worse.

Friend # 1’s aged canoe had some pin wrinkles in the RX but the gunwales were still sound, straight and un-torn, as was the hull. No blood, no foul.

Friend #2 put too much weight on a wood gunwale at a landing and it cracked in two. An old, kinda knew that needed to be replaced gunwale (he said so right here on a recent CT thread). Repaired by Swiss Army knife awling holes in the hull and using beefy cable ties. Not a bad reason to carry a few thick cable ties.

#3, the gunwales on Scott’s Explorer. No offense, but those looked equally aged and suspect.

My take-aways from this:

Yesterday’s river conditions are not tomorrow’s, and crap happens to the best of us. Walk a mile his Mukluks first.

Old suspect wood gunwales are not the best idea on a tripping canoe. There is a reason I like fugly vinyl or aluminum gunwales, especially for boats with outside storage and differed maintenance.

Having a little pouch clipped inside one PFD pocket with a spare truck key and $20 bill is cheap and sensible insurance. At least I can drive away and put some gas in the truck. Or stop at a tavern and buy a round in memory of my canoe. Or go fetch that $20 at home when the pizza guy shows up and I have no cash.

BTW, Friend #4, who goes by the name DougD, arrived at the end of a 4 hour dirt road shuttle to discover two seat hangers missing. Not just the hangers; the machine screws, washers, nuts and flange washers. It was the bow seat he wasn’t using backwards solo, but that could really suck without some spare hardware, especially if it is 8 hours of roundtrip dirt road to the nearest True Value.