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​Going Dark

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I came to the realization while trip packing today that one of the alluring anticipations is knowing that I’m soon going dark.

Maybe not completely off the grid; I’ll pick up a newspaper if I’m on the road and look at destination weather in a wi-fi rest stop. Maybe even check my e-mail, since that is my only source of contact with friends along the way. No phone. No TV. No distractions.

It does make me splurge before the purge. I bought the Washington Post and NY Times today and packed them in the truck unread, and I have been sucking up media and computer time, knowing that connection to the outside world it is soon coming to an abrupt halt.

No people too.

I’m not sure which is my favorite part; no people or no idea about the state of the world. Gimme lots of both.
Our patch cords connecting phone and laptop to the world are less umbilical cord, and more ball and chain. For that reason, whenever we trip, our cord cutting starts earlier in the hustle-out-the-door flight to freedom. Hours earlier. The quiet in our kitchen, as a last cup of coffee for the road is slurped unceremoniously, balances our caffeinated nerves with the calm. The calm follows us like the feel and smell of old warm sweaters, and insulates us against the cold tech-connected world. We don't go dark, because for me, the real lights come on when I'm tripping. That inner light makes my bones glow under a starry heaven, and keeps the dark of the modern dysfunctional world a little bit further out of sight, out of mind, and out of touch, with what really matters. We don't go dark. We head towards the light; knowing that if we have the good fortune to bask in the ethereal glow of campfire, moonlight or Northern lights, we'll manage to hold off the darkness awaiting us at home in "civilization" for another few months, until the next trip we escape on, chasing the light.

ps We do listen to music on the drive. As soon as any hourly news bafflegab starts, I punch the off button. In a few minutes the regular music programme will resume. The radio stations fade as we drive further north, and then the selections get fewer. That's when we leave the radio off. Driving in silence feels good. The radio is the last vestige of communication we shed before stepping off the edge. And if the trip goes well, all that we left behind is forgotten by the first portage. And the lights come on.
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I find it interesting that the two first posters in this thread extolling the relief of escaping modern day ties to electronics have almost 5,000 posts between them
"She never mentions the word addiction, in certain company"

One of the joys of this site is the fact 99.9% of the time there is no politics, that is freedom from the daily avalanche of fake news. We can rummage around in the archives and find just about any info we seek, mostly due to those who post muchly here. I will push their total closer to 7000 as I too enjoy the break from electronics during vacation. The fact society screams the need for everyone to be connected 24/7 is unsettling and has bred a rude segment of society who feel they have the right to invade my space with their half of a conversation as they choose.

In a recent interview prior to being promoted to an office position, one question I had was would I need a smart phone, and I was extremely relieved when I was told no. So I can continue to unplug at will when away from work.

Not knowing where Mike is headed to, I wish him well and a safe journey on the road to electronics free happiness and a relaxing stay in the dark ages.
I find it interesting that the two first posters in this thread extolling the relief of escaping modern day ties to electronics have almost 5,000 posts between them
Yeah, I could communicate by old fashioned mail, but I'd be licking a lot of stamps.
Or choose to communicate rarely, and limit myself to 17 posts.
Communication : Means of connection between people or places.
Think about it.

Congrats on the promotion Mihun.
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A few years ago I emailed my father about a trip I was about to embark on. I said, "Friday, I begin my 5 day backpacking trip so I will not be out of contact with the real world for a while (or will I only be in contact with the REAL world?)"
(or will I only be in contact with the REAL world?)

Yeah, I agree, maintaining contact with that alternate universe, physical reality, can be worthwhile. But I sense that human nature and the need for communication being what it is, those nerds at Google will do whatever it takes to alter those dark spots on the map.


Anyway, whatever, it's a free world out there. Better than watching "Bachelorettes Who Think They Can Dance". Here's a little gem from Jack Palance, from an especially dark part of the world.

I find it interesting that the two first posters in this thread extolling the relief of escaping modern day ties to electronics have almost 5,000 posts between them

Big smile! Doc.
Never thought to post count before. It obviously means enough for some to do so. Humorous pedants? We two chatterboxes have also been here for some time now. True, we haven't been sitting mutely by, but have been engaging, enjoying the forum. Isn't that what a forum is for? Otherwise, just why do people join if not to join in? And I don't consider this forum to be the least bit ball and chain, unlike cellphones and idiot boxes. This site is as much entertainment as it is informative. You only have to follow a Mike or Glenn thread to see. I never roll out of my sleeping bag on a northern lake thinking "dang, I wish I had cell service here. I wonder what's new on Facebook, or on TV?" And nor do I ponder what's going on at CT. When I leave it behind, I leave it all behind. Some e-devices are nice to escape from, even if some are a necessary part of our socially connected lives. I can't work without e-mail and phone, but it's sure a relief to leave them behind. But it ain't being unsociable to disconnect for vacation. You needn't hate the wife, the world or your everyday life to want to escape for a time. My canoe tripping is just that. Escaping from, as well as escaping to. It isn't really all that complicated to understand. If you try.
Or the first step in my CT addiction recovery is admitting I have a problem? lol
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Hi from another loudmouth.from a barrier island in Florida on satellite internet. Its a nice dark sky..100 pix of the moon.. all lousy. Broke my phone. Now a brick.. The computer is to follow.. Its insane how we become addicted.

It took me 45 minutes to post this.. That tells me I have a problem the definition of insanity. We have a personal hotspot.. It barely gets a signal.. Why do we need a personal hotspot? We did do better in the brewpub in town but that was not under dark skies. Clue: Oyster City Brewing Co. We had a porter.

Paddling however was awesome.. the trouble is that its not quite removed enough from the wireless octopi. We will work on that next week.
Soak up the sun YC, and dip into the suds...just a little. There's only winter waiting at home. There's time yet.

So I've been outed as a techie dependant old guy. What's the next step, right after admitting it? Well, either fight it, deny the urges and unplug it; or just roll off the wagon gently. That'll work too. I feel another round of G.A.S. coming on though. I'm totally unequipped for remote tripper texting. Anyone around here know how to stream Saturday morning cartoons from a rock bound boreal shore?
My I phone took a saltwater dip in Apalachicola bay
I am po ed. Had to drive to Panama City to the phone store.
Hubby also forgot sneakers. You cannot wear Bean boots in Florida

I can't wait to rebuy myself in the sand of St George Island. They do have canoe tripping. backcountry sites
And in the parking lot of the mall. A near miss from a car with Ontario plates
I'm dark from the time I leave, other than a Track Phone. Even my stepdaughter's phone is required to stay in the car. Most of the times there is no signal and all you can do is loss it or break it.
I quit watching TV as a habit last Summer. I don't miss it, but maybe once a month I will allow myself a mini-splurge of TV for one sitting. Likewise, I've not really been on this forum regularly. Mostly because I'm spending time outside, hiking or running or whatever (lost 80 pounds so far). Looking forward to warmer water so I can add paddling back to that list (I'm a wuss about falling into cold water and won't buy protective gear for it until my weight hits bottom). I suppose for me I see value in re-assessing from time to time how much I'm investing in something that is enriching, informing, or entertaining. For now, I choose to spend more time on the things that help me to reach my fitness objectives (55 more pounds to go) and support the lifestyle that I'm trying to regain.