This morning, wife and I were hiking a regular loop through the state wild area here in Wisconsin. I saw a flash ahead near our dogs. Figured they’d jumped a deer. Then I turned a bend and a large male wolf was facing me on the trail. He took off towards the brambles when I saw more flashes of grey up the hill. I called the dogs off the chase, but another female wolf appeared on the other side of the trail. She didn’t run. Bogan went after her but she stayed just ahead of him, stopping to check her back trail, then disappearing over a hill. Bogan followed. I grabbed our yellow lab, told wife to hold him and I broke into a run, walking staff in hand, up the hill, whistling and imagining myself fighting off the pack with my stick. Then, Bogan appeared on the run back over the rise. I was relieved, leashed him up and we split. We spent the mile hike back to the car Imaging we were being stalked. I’m pretty sure the close up wolves were trying to lure the dogs into the woods. Bogan was dumb, the lab was chicken, but the female heeler was smart, kept her distance, circled us without taking the bait. Gonna take a noise maker tomorrow.

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