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Pine Sap

Regular isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol - "rubbing" implies elbow grease?) works on Douglas fir pitch, which I assume is similar enough to pine pitch and should be harmless to resins used in composite boat hulls. Good luck. I mainly use it on my hands after cutting firewood (we heat our house with a wood stove) and the isopropyl alcohol works well there. So does lanolin in the "go-jo" type of handcleaners, though it takes longer (more of that grease derived from elbows?) to work. Don't remember ever having to actually remove any from any of my canoe hulls. For what it's worth.
Being a hammock camper, I use tree hugger straps for attachment points. Once on a trip while packing to move I noticed pine sap on a strap and didn't want it to get on other things in the stuff sack. My nephew was with me and said just rub some dirt on it. Oddly enough that worked great as a temporary bush fix. The dirt stuck to the sap and acted as a barrier. That was in 2011. I don't recall how I cleaned it when I got home.
As James G (see above) pointed out, allow the sap to thoroughly dry and it will flake off. I discovered this by accident when I hung a tent fly with sap on it in the closed up garage during a warm period. I don’t recall how long it took for the sap to completely dry but it may have taken awhile. After flaking off the sap with my thumbnail there were some slight strains left behind.
Actually pine sap ( eastern white pine) doesn't flake off autos when dry
It becomes welded to the finish snd only a little comes off unless you use sandpaper which is a bad idea
It does come off glass but paint nope
actually even worse, some pine sap is actually acidic enough to eat into some types of clearcoat as I found to my dismay when having bodywork done to my old van, a simple touch-up turned into stripping and replacing that clearcoat when they discovered that the sap had eaten it.
Anything with oil in it will remove conifer pitch, I think. A Alaskan log home builder told me to use Mayonnaise. I did, it worked, most home have a jar of it handy when you need it.
Try Baby oil.

Brad, welcome first post!

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Lol I am not oiling my windshield.. It is a daily task. Take the bottle of isopropyl alcohol with you and a paper towel. A two minute wipe job.

Unfortunately how do you get pine sap off tomatoes? My little cherry tomatoes are under a very tall pine and it drools on the tomatos.
On paint or a hard surface like a canoe, hit up the local Avon rep for some Skin So Soft. No elbow grease required and you smell nice too.

Not sure what to use on tomatoes though... Maybe throw them in a blender w/ a little gin? :unsure:
Its not every tomato. Just once in about every ten. Its easy to field sample but a jolt when you expect a summer tomato taste and get a taste like varnish