If, in the end, I pursue my current intentions, the local fishing use will end up being the most expensive part of the project. I’ll need a Maryland non-tidal fishing license ($20.50) and might as well drop the coin on a Bay and Tidal license ($15)
Wrong again McCrea. I went on-line and discovered that being old(er) finally paid off. To wit:
“Resident Senior Consolidated License (available to MD residents only) allows a Maryland resident who is 65 years of age or older, or will become 65 years of age in the current calendar year, to fish in the fresh waters of Maryland (including trout) and in Maryland's tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, Atlantic coast and coastal bays 365 days from the date of purchase. Resident $5.00”
I turn sixty five this calendar year. Five bucks? I’m in like Flynn and have already bought, printed out and laminated my senior “everything” license to tuck in my PFD pocket. FIVE BUCKS! HELL YEA!
I need to put some new line on the reels (the existing monofilament is 30+ years old). And buy a couple of the lures here recommended for fishing the Conowingo Pool.
So, smallmouth prefer hopping weighted, soft plastic baits along the bottom, or casting and retrieving diving crankbaits, large mouth go for weedless surface lures, and the dang invasive flat head catfish like live wiggly bottom bait.
Doesn’t sound like the Tony Accetta spoons of my youth are the thing anymore. I still have some Accetta spoons, and will cast one just for old time’s sake and thinking about fishing with my dad.
It will all be catch and release, except the flat heads, which will be catch and kill (.38 to the head?) and. . . . .discard the carcass how?
But...but...but I really want to see a picture of you fishing out of it!
Head this way with your camera, I’m gonna give it shot.
I still have a few questions for when I inevitably encounter the Pennsylvania DNR. Can I sit on a sandy beach in a comfy chair, read a book and cast, or better, inattentively bottom fish or, as a Maryland resident, do I need to remain afloat in a boat?
It’s a dang comfy canoe. How much of the boat needs to actually be in the water?