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Nokomis Build

Feb 14, 2015
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I'm finally stripping another canoe. I first set up, and faired Pearl Plus.
It is my #20 in symmetrical form spacing, and stretched to 16'4".
I was about ready to start stripping it up, when I was digging through some old forms I had, and found Nokomis. It's a long story, but Nokomis won out !

I designed and cut the forms for Nokomis, in March of 2000. But for some reason didn't build it.

Nokomis is near flat bottomed, and a inch narrower at the shear. A little less flare also.

Here is a few pics
The first is Pearl Plus, just for comparison. I have a fairing stick laying on the forms.

Next is Nokomis

,8 strips on Nokomis. I'm nowhere near the speedster Alan is !

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Interesting name, similar to the local Ojibway word for "my grandfather", nimishoomis, which the locals usually abbreviate to shomish.
Thanks for the translation Mem !
We have a reservoir here in town, that's named Lake Nokomis. My grandfather loved to fish in the area. He was a one armed retired farmer, that could clean fish, quite easily. At least that's what I'm told. I never knew him.
Maybe he had a hand in this build.

Alright Jim! Take your time, I'll be savoring your build long after Alan has completed! Lol


Alan will be paddling, before I'm done stripping ! And I'm retired ! I'm not that slow, it's just Alan is that fast, and good ! I swear he's got a cape, and a phone both close by ! !

Here's a few more pics

My old friends ! The blue taped one holds 1/4" staples, the other, 9/16" staples.

This canoe is 16' 4" long, and All I have is 16' strips. So I'll be doing a lot of splicing. My homemade miter box, made to sit on the forms.

What my splices look like. Sometimes I add an extra clamp or two.

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Alan will have the GP done, the Carbon Copy done and a new boat done before I am, and you will be done before me as well.

The cove in the strip show is really shallow, is that normal for you?
The cove in the strip show is really shallow, is that normal for you?

More of an optical illusion. It is actually a little deep, as I have a lot of splitters from the edges of most of my strips. It's really not a problem, as sanding solves it when I'm done stripping.

Thought I'd throw out a few more pics, before I head for the shop.
Here's what happens when you grab the wrong stapler. This only happens ONCE a canoe ! The old yellow rattler left two fang marks. Good thing they are not poisonous !

My glue bottle holster. I always know where to look for the glue. I love those fine tipped applicator tips !
I expect to use just two of these bottles of glue, for this build. And by the way, this is the first of this glue I've used and like it ! It stays in place good on a vertical surface.

Ouch! I always worry about shooting myself with long staples when I mean to use shorts. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet.

Nice idea on the glue holster. Better than my plan of wandering around looking for it. I think on my next one I'll build a small shelf on top of the forms where I can place the saw, staplers, and glue. Normally keep the saw and staplers in my apron but they're always getting in the way or falling out when I bend over.

Looking good!

Ouch! I always worry about shooting myself with long staples when I mean to use shorts. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet.

Nice idea on the glue holster. Better than my plan of wandering around looking for it. I think on my next one I'll build a small shelf on top of the forms where I can place the saw, staplers, and glue. Normally keep the saw and staplers in my apron but they're always getting in the way or falling out when I bend over.

Looking good!


Seems I always draw blood on very canoe, but just once ! You'd think I'd learn ! HA ! Old Dog thing I guess !

The evolution of a builder. I used to use an apron, and it worked fine. I just thought it to be too cumbersome.

Here's a couple more pics.
The first is a pic of how much glue I apply to a joint.

The second is the feature strip I'm putting in this canoe. I've done this to a lot of canoes, so why not Nokomis ?

I hope to install this strip tomorrow. The feature strip goes in as two strips glued together. I need a better pic to show the process. Maybe tomorrow.

While I was waiting for glue to dry, I took two more pics. The first is the end view of my feature strip jig. Though it's hard to see, I have packing tape, between the strip and bottom board.

The second is a shop tip I learned last year. I have access to the city recycling center, and picked up some card board to lay on the floor around my strongback, This works great to catch epoxy drips, but most of all it makes a softer surface to work on ! If I kneel, saves my knees, and joints.

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Jim, I hope that glue is good, I was going to buy some tightbond 2 but saw the kind you liked so I gave it a shot. Did you get a new nozzle or did you buy tapered ones somewhere?
Jim, I hope that glue is good, I was going to buy some tightbond 2 but saw the kind you liked so I gave it a shot. Did you get a new nozzle or did you buy tapered ones somewhere?

I do like the glue, but I'm sure the tightbond is good also. I had a bad experience with YELLOW wood glue, on my very first canoe. My sanding equipment was junk, and I had way too much glue slathered all over. The YELLOW glue showed up under the polyester resin. Not good. ! I've since used brown glue, or a neutral colored glue. I prefer an exterior grade, but have used interior grade, with no troubles.

I get my tips from Hobby Lobby . They come on a little two oz squeeze bottle, for less than a buck, the last time I checked.
Probably any decent hobby store should have them. I really like them. I hate to scrape and sand glue ! Now a days, I usually go right to sanding, without scraping. Big time saver.

Good Luck Dave !

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Not to Hi-jack the thread; however, has anyone tried the Fastcap glue-bot or Babe-bot. It is a bottom fed refillable glue bottle with different sized tips.


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I have one of these glue bottle, the babe one, and it is good. they work great! But I would buy the big one not the small one!
At pretty much any grocery or department store you can get 16oz. squeeze tubes similar to the old school ketchup and mustard dispensers at diners. If you don't like the red and yellow ones it's not too tough to find clear. Cheap, easily refillable, and a nice tip for putting glue in the cove. Lots of different ways to do it.

Are you done yet? ;)

If that is directed to me, I have a good excuse ! I was at an auction with Alan today. Give me at least a week, or maybe a month !.
We both got some good deals today, but Alan came home with the canoe ! I do feel bad that I bid him up, as he invited me. But Alan still got a good deal on a Bell Wildfire.

We stopped at his shop afterwards. Wow can that boy put together a nice canoe ! His GP is great ! I will buy some tickets for that raffle !!!

On top of that he has half of his plug stripped up for his composite Bloodvein .
I looked for his Superman suit, but no luck.

I owe you Alan !

I am actually very keen to see this one completed. I may just need one, could be the killer solo boat.

Been kinda busy with life, but got back to Nokomis.
Here's some pics, of where I'm at, and a tumblehome shot.

