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Canvas tent question

Apr 11, 2020
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Quick question while I'm waiting out a rainstorm in ADK.

How long can a canvas tent be stored before mold becomes an issue? I have been using canvas tents for years and have been obsessive about not breaking camp until the canvas was bone dry. Unfortunately that is not possible this weekend. Normally I would just set the tent up when I got back home, but the forecast calls for heavy rain all week. Any ideas?
Can you hang it in a garage or shed? I have had the same problem and that’s what I did. Mine is also small enough to set up in a single garage, which I have done.
I would not leave it folded wet for a week, although it might be ok. You could also set it up outside at home wet and wait till it drys on a sunny day. I have done that too.
I would semi set it up outside, at home, in the back yard, in the rain, shouldn’t hurt it a bit. Once Mother Nature smiles at you again, it will dry out. I have lived in canvas wall tents from March through October with no issues from rain. Snow loads are a different story. Canvas touching damp ground is a No No also
If you have a garage, park outside for a few days. Suspend the tent from eye or hook screws from the ceiling, so that it is completely off the floor should dry in short order, especially if you can round up a couple of fans to get the air circulating.
Our sea going sailing members, may have better ideas, as they deal with damp or wet sails.
I had a late 1960's canvas Wenzel tent and I would erect in the back yard after trips to allow it to dry but I would also hang it upside down in the garage for a day. My garage has always warmed up well in the summer. The tent was kept stored in the rafters of the garage and I just gave it away last year and it had no mold. I will definitely miss that old canvas smell on a warm day.