• Happy National Banana Bread Day! 🍌🍞

Wooden Canoe Heritage Association Annual Assembly - Peterborough, ON

Hi Dave, Fitz, Murat,

Nice to meet you all and many more in Peterborough last week.

Highlights for me definitely getting a chance to say Hi to Becky Mason and watch her paddle; then the trip into the Canoe Museum back room. 650 priceless canoes of all shapes and sizes, including 14 Chestnuts, described in detail by Museum Curator Jeremy Ward- spectacular! The paddle with Kevin and his camping hints presentation were a hoot, too. Neat guy!

Great fun to paddle with you, Dave- and you looked great in that Chum, despite using that double bladed affront to paddling...Thanks for lending me your Chum for a spin- very nice boat. I'd love to paddle it with my Bob's to do a proper side by side evaluation.

16' Prospector as a tripping canoe, Fitz? Love the idea, but keep the portages short- mine weighed in at 78lbs!

Hope to see you all next July!

Hey guys,
Jim I took a workshop titled 26 ways to make Bannock! Lots of fun, believe his name was Andre, good guy. We had fun cooking up stuff outside, even an upside down fruit bannock cake.'

Pook, you can take the Chum out anytime we meet up again. I'm pretty good using the J stroke and going around it circles, maybe I need to try a different letter? That double blade did get me into the locks in time for the ride up and down and that was my goal. Tried a bit of J strokes on way back but the wind was kicking and I'm a weenie. Needed to get back quickly and drive about 5-6 hours after that.

I'm going to the BWCA in about 3 weeks, will practice the J stroke most of the time but shhhhh will also bring a double blade. Best to all.