The Deer tick I got last year came from the Wallace Lake area, which is really only west of you geographically, albeit 50km or so. We don't see many deer up that far, but they travel with moose now too so they can be everywhere.
The tick I had was on my back at the shoulder blade and I couldn't reach it on my own and wasn't aware it was there until several days later when it got itchy as hell. The bulls-eye rash didn't show up until several hours After the tick was removed. Now, this particular tick was a different colour, it was a light tan, pinkish, where as most wood ticks are dark brownish, and we had seen several of those lighter ticks at the site we stayed at prior to my getting bit. Best practice now is, if you get bit by Any tick, go to the doctor and let them put you on the medication for the 3 week course. It is far better to be safe in this way than miss a Deer tick and get lyme disease.
It happened to a friend of Christine's last year, the tick was misdiagnosed as a wood tick and by the time they realized it, Lyme disease was present and is causing the fellow all sorts of issues and it is much more difficult to get rid of Lyme disease once you have it.
The tick that got me was likely in the canoe, on the packs and portaging them likely transferred the tick to me. It could have gotten me from the packs in the truck on the way home too, crawling onto my seat.
It helps to do a tick check. If with someone out tripping, have them check your back daily, check theirs. We do it all the time. You cannot always "feel" the bite.
The Deer tick I got last year came from the Wallace Lake area, which is really only west of you geographically, albeit 50km or so. We don't see many deer up that far, but they travel with moose now too so they can be everywhere.
The tick I had was on my back at the shoulder blade and I couldn't reach it on my own and wasn't aware it was there until several days later when it got itchy as hell. The bulls-eye rash didn't show up until several hours After the tick was removed. Now, this particular tick was a different colour, it was a light tan, pinkish, where as most wood ticks are dark brownish, and we had seen several of those lighter ticks at the site we stayed at prior to my getting bit. Best practice now is, if you get bit by Any tick, go to the doctor and let them put you on the medication for the 3 week course. It is far better to be safe in this way than miss a Deer tick and get lyme disease.
It happened to a friend of Christine's last year, the tick was misdiagnosed as a wood tick and by the time they realized it, Lyme disease was present and is causing the fellow all sorts of issues and it is much more difficult to get rid of Lyme disease once you have it.
The tick that got me was likely in the canoe, on the packs and portaging them likely transferred the tick to me. It could have gotten me from the packs in the truck on the way home too, crawling onto my seat.
It helps to do a tick check. If with someone out tripping, have them check your back daily, check theirs. We do it all the time. You cannot always "feel" the bite.