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Winter trek with my two dogs, Jake and Gunner.

Jul 31, 2011
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Dodgeville, Wi
Today my wife and I put on a few miles with our dogs. It was a little cold, 7 degrees, but the wind made it tough for some of those miles. Jake and Gunner love to get a good romp in the fields and timber any time, but they seem to love exploring in the snow the most ... as long as we keep moving. Vizslas do not do well sitting in snow, but running and jumping for hours is fine.Winter trek with boys 1.jpg

I have my Snow Trekker base camp set up so we can take a break and warm up ... or spend an evening in the quiet of the timber . The boys really like it!

We try to hike 4-5 days a week. Almost never see another boot track, we have a ton of acres all to ourselves this time of year.
Glad you're able to get out. My pooch enjoys the cold as well so we're out most days. With the wind chill forecast for tomorrow (-25 F), I'm thinking we'll be inside but at least it's only for one day. After that, we should be back to more normal winter conditions.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Getting out is important. We have had summer smoke and heat lately in summer. I am now focused much more on the other 3 seasons.
We have a break in the snow and rain, time to get some hikes in.

I love to hike with dogs. The winter is much easier on them. Sled dogs can't run at temps over 30 degrees F.
I really like your outfit, Bob. Did you make that wind suit with ruff yourself? I also like your dogs!

Our rescue Siberian Husky loves winter, and bounding through the snow. We walk him three times a day. The main walk is just after lunch, on various sections of our 8 km (5 miles) of trails through the bush that we maintain. It‘s never too cold for him. Coldest so far this winter is -40, which is the same in F and C. That’s straight up, without factoring in any windchill. He wasn’t cold at all. During the day he often asks to go outside.


Here he is today enjoying life at -20 C (-4 F), comfy as can be. As ppine indicated for sled dogs, he doesn’t like hot weather. In the summer, at temperatures approximately above 20 C (55F), he refuses to even go on a walk.
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Nice! We just got some real snow, and I took Cricket out. She loves snow. Its probably my favorite time to be out. I think it was in the 20’s this weekend so not too cold, but I did get to wear the wool anorak with the wind chill. I don’t have a canvas hut to hang out in though, that would be a great place to retreat and Skottle up some brats! Here’s me and Cricket acting like school kids on a snow day, I don’t have a clue what she was jumping over:

EA0F271F-293E-4A8A-A8FB-7D97D62BADE0 by Barry Rains, on Flickr

14F76205-EB51-4152-9C20-36BBF1E6E737 by Barry Rains, on Flickr

I wish we had more snow than ice.

Stay warm,

Thanks for the post. I did not make it, it is from Lure of the North. I made a mistake and asked it to be made a little larger than my needed size as I often wear a heavy blanket shirt in the winter. Well, the canvas anorak is made from very tightly woven canvas no wind chills me, yet it still breaths very well. I was out in 20 below windchill with only a long underwear shirt and heavy flannel … had to pace myself so as not to over heat. It is awesome, but no need to get a larger size believe me.
You both got some good vertical!! I really like watching Ziva jump over things while she is sprinting- don’t get to see humans jump very often 😁
Bob- I liked your photo and anorak. You are lucky to have gotten it- I looked online and Lure of the North has gone out of business. Interesting story about the owners decision to move on.
Yeah, if anyone or anything can still jump, then he or she or it is probably still good to go on a canoe trip—says an earthbound former medalist in broad jumping (before it was renamed long jumping).

It looks like the expeditions are still going strong, but the retail side of the business is closed.
That was my understanding also. They said that they will sell off any remaining inventory next spring when they return from this year’s trip and that trips were going to continue in the future. They didn’t like how much time the retail and manufacturing business was demanding and preferred guiding. I found this info by doing a for Lire of the North