Thanks again, Robin, I so appreciate this site and all of the people you have on it. Truly appreciate the help!
I have said this before, but it bears repeating; the CanoeTripping community is remarkable for its willingness to share solid, experienced, no BS information.
No one is pushing an agenda, or convinced to the point of argument that their way is the only way. Even when we disagree or “argue” it is gentle, and often tongue-in-cheek.
My favorite response from another board was being scolded for consolidating rocks on a site with the half dozen poorly built and ill-located fire pits (each with their own dirty sock), leaving little room for tent and tarp. An unregulated mid-Atlantic area site that sees 300 days a year of local townie motor boat “camping”.
A wilderness paddler, who trips
only in the far north, was thoroughly enraged by my rock moving actions, as though I was disturbing ancient First Nation artifacts, and blasted me with “It has nothing to do with tripping in the boreal. What applies in my area is universally applicable!”
That response still cracks me up, and while I respect his wilderness tripping skills and techniques, some of which have become my usual practice, I would dearly love to take him on a trip down the lower Susquehanna, out on some Carolina blackwater swamp or down in the Everglades.
It’s a big paddling universe out there, with room for all of us. Keep it kind.
The vibe on Canoe Tripping is thanks to Robin, for keeping a lid on things and fostering a sense of helpful community. Finest kind.